“if indigenous people had killed all the early white settlers, racism would not have established itself in the Americas.”
Probably would have made things worse. Too many resources for the Europeans to ignore the continent. The Spanish had already established the modus operandi with the destruction of the Incan Empire. If the early English settlers had been massacred, eventually the military would come en masse, kill everyone they saw, co-opt or kill tribal leaders, and enslave the surviving population, ala The Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire. Strap a few buggers across the barrels of cannon, they'll soon be singing a different tune, By Jove!
I've always been fascinated by the Spanish conquest of the Inca, how a handful of smelly, flea-ridden Spaniards destroyed an Empire, basically with Guns, Germs, and Steel. The technologically inferior native Americans were doomed from the start, the experience of centuries of vicious European warfare ensured it.
Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man.