Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

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Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by DRSB » Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:53 pm

Here goes the new nightmare-thread!

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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Joe » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:25 pm

Boxers or briefs? Is that nightmarish enough? :ask:

Weirdly, it's been a "traditional" question in US Presidential politics for over 20 years.
"My mother's gonna kill me." The 17-year-old girl was worried, and with good reason.

Laetitia Thompson stood up near the end of yesterday's MTV forum on youth and violence and demanded that the president of the United States reveal his underwear preference: "The world is dying to know -- is it boxers or briefs?"

"Usually briefs," William Jefferson Clinton IV told his gleeful audience of 200 college and high school students. The president, shaking his head, sounded just a bit peeved: "I can't believe she did that."
Thank Bill Clinton, I guess. :dunno:

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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Tero » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:31 pm

I’ll have to do the banjo again, but Judge Vote depends on two GOP women able to stand up to Trump (McCain will not vote):
Murkowski lost her 2010 GOP primary, but ultimately won re-election with a historic write-in campaign. The strength of her victory was fueled by support among Alaska women, which has become part of Murkowski's brand. She has also been a reliable defender of federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides health care services to thousands of Alaskans.
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Tero » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:36 pm

I interviewed 4 very impressive people yesterday. On Monday I will be announcing my decision for Justice of the United States Supreme Court! God bless America!
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Seabass » Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:33 pm

Another former Republican that left the party over Trump:

I left the Republican Party. Now I want Democrats to take over.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... story.html
Explaining my decision, I noted that Trumpkins “want to transform the GOP into a European-style nationalist party that opposes cuts in entitlement programs, believes in deportation of undocumented immigrants, white identity politics, protectionism and isolationism backed by hyper-macho threats to bomb the living daylights out of anyone who messes with us.” I still hoped then that traditional conservatives might eventually prevail but, I wrote, “I can no longer support a party that doesn’t know what it stands for – and that in fact may stand for positions that I find repugnant.”

I am more convinced than ever that I made the right decision. The transformation I feared has taken place. Just look at the reaction to President Trump’s barbarous policy of taking children away from their parents as punishment for the misdemeanor offense of illegally entering the country. While two-thirds of Americans disapproved of this state-sanctioned child abuse, forcing the president to back down, a majority of Republicans approved. If Trump announced he were going to spit-roast immigrant kids and eat them on national TV (apologies to Jonathan Swift), most Republicans probably would approve of that too. The entire Republican platform can now be reduced to three words: Whatever Trump says.
Personally, I’ve thrown up my hands in despair at the debased state of the GOP. I don’t want to be identified with the party of the child-snatchers.
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Tero » Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:38 pm

It’s pretty obvious by now. No GOP politician can operatr outside of Trump. They can just come up with excuses: we don’t have the votes or the money. “Otherwise we would pass the current Trump thing.” If your district as congressman voted 70% Trump, you have two choces: 1 stick it out 2 leave politics and get on boards of corporations etc etc post congress jobs
Said Peter...what you're requesting just isn't my bag
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Brian Peacock » Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:09 pm

Wouldn't it be great if we could get along with Venezuela?
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Seabass » Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:53 pm

A good article about the "both sides" false equivalence bullshit.
We Have a Crisis of Democracy, Not Manners
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/opin ... ility.html

Last year, the white nationalist Richard Spencer was kicked out of his Virginia gym after another member confronted him and called him a Nazi. This incident did not generate a national round of hand-wringing about the death of tolerance, perhaps because most people tacitly agree that it’s O.K. to shun professional racists.

It’s a little more complicated when the professional racist is the president of the United States. The norms of our political life require a degree of bipartisan forbearance. But treating members of Donald Trump’s administration as ordinary public officials rather than pariahs does more to normalize bigotry than exercising alongside a white separatist.

Over the last week, several Trump administration officials and supporters have been publicly shamed. On Friday night, the Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a farm-to-table restaurant in Lexington, Va. That morning, protesters blasted a recording of sobbing migrant kids outside the home of Kirstjen Nielsen, Trump’s secretary of homeland security.

A few days before that, Nielsen left an upscale Mexican restaurant near the White House after protesters confronted her, chanting, “If kids don’t eat in peace, you don’t eat in peace!” The Trump adviser Stephen Miller was also yelled at in a Mexican restaurant — someone called him a fascist, though he may not regard that as an insult. The same night that Sanders was denied service, Pam Bondi, Florida’s Trump-supporting attorney general, was heckled outside a movie theater where she’d gone to see a documentary about Mister Rogers. Adding to the furor, Representative Maxine Waters, a California Democrat, urged people to keep jeering at members of Trump’s cabinet when they’re out and about, saying, “You tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Naturally, all this has led to lots of pained disapproval from self-appointed guardians of civility. A Washington Post editorial urged the protesters to think about the precedent they are setting. “How hard is it to imagine, for example, people who strongly believe that abortion is murder deciding that judges or other officials who protect abortion rights should not be able to live peaceably with their families?” it asked.

Of course, this is not hard to imagine at all, since abortion opponents have assassinated abortion providers in their homes and churches, firebombed their clinics and protested at their children’s schools. The Roman Catholic Church has shamed politicians who support abortion rights by denying them communion. The failure to acknowledge this history is a sign of the reflexive false balance that makes it hard for the mainstream media to grapple with the asymmetric extremism of the Republican Party.

I’m somewhat agnostic on the question of whether publicly rebuking Trump collaborators is tactically smart. It stokes their own sense of victimization, which they feed on. It may alienate some persuadable voters, though this is just a guess. (As we saw in the indignant media reaction to Michelle Wolf’s White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner routine, some pundits project their own concern with Beltway decorum onto swing voters, who generally pay less attention to the news than partisans.)

On the other hand, there’s a moral and psychic cost to participating in the fiction that people who work for Trump are in any sense public servants. I don’t blame staff members at the Virginia restaurant, the Red Hen, for not wanting to help Sanders unwind after a hard week of lying to the public about mass child abuse. Particularly when Sanders’s own administration is fighting to let private businesses discriminate against gay people, who, unlike mendacious press secretaries, are a protected class under many civil rights laws.

Whether or not you think public shaming should be happening, it’s important to understand why it’s happening. It’s less a result of a breakdown in civility than a breakdown of democracy. Though it’s tiresome to repeat it, Donald Trump eked out his minority victory with help from a hostile foreign power. He has ruled exclusively for his vengeful supporters, who love the way he terrifies, outrages and humiliates their fellow citizens. Trump installed the right-wing Neil Gorsuch in the Supreme Court seat that Republicans stole from Barack Obama. Gorsuch, in turn, has been the fifth vote in decisions on voter roll purges and, on Monday, racial gerrymandering that will further entrench minority rule.

All over the country, Republican members of Congress have consistently refused to so much as meet with many of the scared, furious citizens they ostensibly represent. A great many of these citizens are working tirelessly to take at least one house of Congress in the midterms — which will require substantially more than 50 percent of total votes, given structural Republican advantages — so that the country’s anti-Trump majority will have some voice in the federal government.

But unless and until that happens, millions and millions of Americans watch helplessly as the president cages children, dehumanizes immigrants, spurns other democracies, guts health care protections, uses his office to enrich himself and turns public life into a deranged phantasmagoria with his incontinent flood of lies. The civility police might point out that many conservatives hated Obama just as much, but that only demonstrates the limits of content-neutral analysis. The right’s revulsion against a black president targeted by birther conspiracy theories is not the same as the left’s revulsion against a racist president who spread birther conspiracy theories.

Faced with the unceasing cruelty and degradation of the Trump presidency, liberals have not taken to marching around in public with assault weapons and threatening civil war. I know of no left-wing publication that has followed the example of the right-wing Federalist and run quasi-pornographic fantasies about murdering political enemies. (“Close your eyes and imagine holding someone’s scalp in your hands,” began a recent Federalist article.) Unlike Trump, no Democratic politician I’m aware of has urged his or her followers to beat up opposing demonstrators.

Instead, some progressive celebrities have said some bad words, and some people have treated administration officials with the sort of public opprobrium due members of any other white nationalist organization. Liberals are using their cultural power against the right because it’s the only power they have left, and people have a desperate need to say, and to hear others say, that what is happening in this country is intolerable.

Sometimes, their strategies may be poorly conceived. But there’s an abusive sort of victim-blaming in demanding that progressives single-handedly uphold civility, lest the right become even more uncivil in response. As long as our rulers wage war on cosmopolitan culture, they shouldn’t feel entitled to its fruits. If they don’t want to hear from the angry citizens they’re supposed to serve, let them eat at Trump Grill.

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/opin ... ility.html
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by pErvinalia » Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:24 am

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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:25 am

Brian Peacock wrote:
Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:09 pm
Wouldn't it be great if we could get along with Venezuela?
Or invade it, either one. :{D

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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Seabass » Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:03 am

pErvinalia wrote:
Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:24 am
Pre-Trump I'd have assumed that was a poe. Now, I'm inclined to believe that it's sincere... :worried:
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Tero » Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:13 am

Sees to amaze...
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Tero » Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:12 pm

I think it’s mostly the move back the clock that appeals to white working class:
He also wants to turn the clock back more generally, which brings us to his third assault on the liberal consensus: social policy. The Trump era will be marked by potentially violent conflict over cultural issues that lawmakers have failed for decades to resolve through compromise.
https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/07/05/opin ... index.html
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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:14 pm

He hadn't managed to completely dismantle the place and turn it into his personal graft machine. SAD!

'EPA leader Scott Pruitt out after numerous scandals'
Scott Pruitt's polarizing tenure as head of the Environmental Protection Agency has come to an end.

President Donald Trump tweeted on Thursday that he has accepted Pruitt's resignation. Trump said that the agency's deputy administrator, Andrew Wheeler, will become the acting head of EPA.

The departure follows months of scrutiny that gathered momentum following reports that Pruitt had rented a Capitol Hill condominium linked to an energy lobbyist on favorable terms. The revelation exacerbated concerns about the high cost of Pruitt's travel and security detail and triggered a flood of allegations that Pruitt fostered a culture of workplace retaliation, wasteful spending and self-dealing at EPA.

The steady flow of negative news stories prompted multiple government investigators to open several inquiries into Pruitt. His EPA now faces about a dozen probes into its spending, ethics and policy decisions.
He'll be free to take over Jeff Sessions' job now. :tut:

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Re: Everything you didn't want to know about Trump and were not afraid to ask

Post by Tero » Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:10 pm

Coal man sworn in:
The man taking the reins at the Environmental Protection Agency after Scott Pruitt's downfall is a longtime Washington insider and coal lobbyist who is set to pursue the same anti-regulation agenda — only without all of Pruitt’s baggage.

Andrew Wheeler, sworn in as EPA’s deputy administrator in late April after a six-month confirmation battle, has spent decades in what President Donald Trump calls “the swamp,” first as a top aide to Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) at the Environment and Public Works Committee, then as an energy lobbyist for clients such as the politically active coal company Murray Energy.
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