The Internet is a shithole

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Sean Hayden
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The Internet is a shithole

Post by Sean Hayden » Fri May 25, 2018 1:57 pm

There's a lot of great stuff online. But it's mostly places like this one and educational resources. If you stray into say social media, or heaven forbid the news, it's a goddamned shithole.

I guess I can't believe the amount of shit being pumped out, it's incredible, and its harms are probably greatly underestimated. Some people think Trump happened because of the Internet. It wouldn't surprise me. It's truly awful.

What do you think, has the Internet failed to realize its potential as a tool for progress and enlightenment?
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by cronus » Fri May 25, 2018 2:02 pm

Sean Hayden wrote:
Fri May 25, 2018 1:57 pm
There's a lot of great stuff online. But it's mostly places like this one and educational resources. If you stray into say social media, or heaven forbid the news, it's a goddamned shithole.

I guess I can't believe the amount of shit being pumped out, it's incredible, and its harms are probably greatly underestimated. Some people think Trump happened because of the Internet. It wouldn't surprise me. It's truly awful.

What do you think, has the Internet failed to realize its potential as a tool for progress and enlightenment?
It's a sad reminder the geeks who invented the interweb, and had ambitions for it, are in the minority of minorities. I was the kid who owned a Rotring pen. Always someone 'brighter via loudness and popularity' come along and ruin its nib. That's the internet.
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by pErvinalia » Fri May 25, 2018 2:08 pm

Sean Hayden wrote:
Fri May 25, 2018 1:57 pm
There's a lot of great stuff online. But it's mostly places like this one and educational resources. If you stray into say social media, or heaven forbid the news, it's a goddamned shithole.

I guess I can't believe the amount of shit being pumped out, it's incredible, and its harms are probably greatly underestimated. Some people think Trump happened because of the Internet. It wouldn't surprise me. It's truly awful.

What do you think, has the Internet failed to realize its potential as a tool for progress and enlightenment?
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Svartalf » Fri May 25, 2018 2:19 pm

well, the problem is that the internet by its nature had potential for a dark side, and then there's Rule 34... so it can be used for good and interesting stuff, but then you have to be watchful of not straying in social media, and be careful what you click on at youtube...
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Rum » Fri May 25, 2018 2:49 pm

I think it’s fucking brilliant!

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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by cronus » Fri May 25, 2018 2:54 pm

Rum wrote:
Fri May 25, 2018 2:49 pm
I think it’s fucking brilliant!
You are still very young Rum.
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Rum » Fri May 25, 2018 2:56 pm

I’m an old fucker who remembers when it took a letter a month to get from Hong Kong to England.

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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by cronus » Fri May 25, 2018 3:25 pm

Rum wrote:
Fri May 25, 2018 2:56 pm
I’m an old fucker who remembers when it took a letter a month to get from Hong Kong to England.
I had a pen pal in the seventies in Korea. Those days were great, different, and gone. A sense of time and thought newer generations will never know. I understand exactly what you mean, here. Better days, different and lost for the worse. More time to think. You don't like me because of my similarities to you not my differences. I've gleaned this much. Some folks are always gonna change faster with the times than others. Partly genetic and part self-will....but time doesn't stand still for any.

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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Brian Peacock » Fri May 25, 2018 3:35 pm

We meat-brained internet users haven't quite caught up with the algorithms of the silicon-brained click baiters which keep popping up enticing stuff that bypasses our prefrontal cortex: "If you liked that then you'll really want to click this..." The algorithms keep sending us down the wormholes and we end up mired in the foetid mush at the bottom.

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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Sean Hayden » Fri May 25, 2018 3:42 pm

I dribbled some peanut butter on my tablet while reading that post. --just saying
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Sean Hayden » Fri May 25, 2018 3:43 pm

Another interesting thing to look at is if the Internet has allowed for even more fleecing of the people than would have been possible without it? How much wealth has been stolen by the Internet, and from where? There may be some surprising stuff waiting to be found in that research.
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Rum » Fri May 25, 2018 3:49 pm

I met the current Mrs Rum while playing a role playing game (Ultimate Online) about 18 years ago. Ive been playing World of Warcraft now for over ten years. Great fun and entertainment. I’ve made quite a few friends via the net too. There was The RDF forum as well as others including this one. I did an MA while still working at ‘Oxford’ via the net. My daughter went to America for three months a couple of years ago and we talked every few days and I always knew where she was and that she was safe. I’m in touch with childhhod friends from Hong Kong because of the net.

The internet has resulted in amazing research advances in the sciences and medicine.


Sure there’s less mystery about the world and it all happens too fast. And there are still plenty of cunts out there. The internet means you bump into them a bit more often - we communicate a lot more generally after all.

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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Sean Hayden » Fri May 25, 2018 3:56 pm

:lol: okay Rum, but it's fine if we discuss the negative aspects of the Internet too right?

You earned a degree online. Good for you, but how many people have taken on serious debt earning bullshit degrees from online universities? I think Trump even had one.
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Brian Peacock » Fri May 25, 2018 4:02 pm

My online degree in Squirrel Shaving (first class, honours) has, I must admit, not enhanced my employment opportunities in the way I had hoped.
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Re: The Internet is a shithole

Post by Sean Hayden » Fri May 25, 2018 4:06 pm

:lol: serves you right, going to school to get a job... Why I never!
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