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Re: Manipulation

Post by FBM » Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:30 pm

Lozzer wrote:OK, in that case all I can advise is 'Get used to it'. :dono:


It's not going to change itself. If you don't want to put any effort into it, then get used to it.
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Re: Manipulation

Post by Transgirlofnofaith » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:52 am

Lozzer wrote:Can anyone help me with this? It's really getting on my nerves. In my home I often have my mates round for beers and shit. Rarely do they listen to me, or do what I say even when I ask politely. When I get frustrated they assume I'm 'starting' on them and give me the evil eye which makes me back down. I'm small and skinny and I receive little respect from anyone. I'm trusted as a source for information with regards to things such as history and science etc by many people, but when people openly admit their ignorance and find it funny compelled to educate them--guess what, I get told to shut up.

I'm really fed up of being stepped on, I believe its my own routine of behaviour that's got me into this mess. Acting crazy and being the joker gets you no where other than ridicule when people have finished laughing. I'm respect by my other buddies (which is a very small number) who I consider my equals. When I talk to them I have the opportunity to discuss politics, current affairs and the rest, but this is rare as they all of them are adults so I naturally get treated fairly.

But I want respect from peers my own age. I want respect, and I want to be able to manipulate them like they do to me. Problem is, this requires a very large and dominating physique--something I lack. Is there any alternative way? From what I understand I'll probably have to change completely but I think its worth it.
This is idealistic I know, but I need to dictate the weak-minded and the dumb if I'm to have any confidence in my future life, and its necessary that I become a figure of authority if I'm to gain fortitude and protect my well-being now, and in the future.


I should stop making my self seem like a potential Hitler on the internet, but I can't without the closure of having a means to an end.

Grrrrr... *Unsheathes claws*.

Now, before I get on with this, I dont know how attatched you are to these people, so what I am going to say might piss you off. I don't give a fuck about that. I am attempting to give you a serious answer to your situation, and you can take it or leave it. I have a little experience with this sort of thing. And before anyone asks, I am absolutely not sharing. Teenage males, and to a lesser extent, females, are pack animals. They often cling together in groups doing childish, stupid, or just generally inane or LCD things, and when in these groups they seem to think that doing either stupid things or basically wasting time is a fun hobby. I don't know exactly what the group mentality of the pack you spend time with is, but I will make certain assumptions and you can tailor it from there. You have already established your place in the pack as a submissive male. They regard you as a form of performing monkey that doesn't have much of a function other than to entertain them. And from what it says above, it seems like you provide them with consumables like some kind of treats ferret. The disrespect and doormat status you are stuck in is a result of your subordinate position within the pack. To gain respect, you must establish dominance. How do you do this? Well, it's a long process. But I can basically break it down into three main categories:

1) Refusal to provide.

2) Refusal to interact according to the pack's established rules if they do not treat you in the way that you wish.

3) Refusal to engage.

In detail:

1) Your supplying of provisions, even if it's some of the time, establishes your position as a subordinate male because you are in a way doing chores for them by supplying them with (food and?)drugs, i.e. Beer and whatever else. I'd be willing to bet that some in the group pitch in more than others. And by supplying a gathering place you are further providing services which marks you as a subordinate by establishing that it is your position to serve the others. You must cut all this out. Don't provide them with food or drugs, and however you have to do it, make sure it is clear that they cannot use your place as a den. Even if most people are chipping in for beer, for example, and they want you to as well, say you're not drinking and refuse to partake in this no matter what they say. By refusing to do this, you will likely piss them off, but more importantly you will be establishing that you do not serve them, and that is more important in the long run. No longer provide food, money, or anything else. By doing this you will be establishing that you are not some vending machine to be taken advantage of, and thus a subordinate.

2) When you are hanging around them, do not tolerate rude or diamissive statements from them. At first start off with something small, like saying, hey, don't tell me to shut up like that! If they get ruder, up the forcefulness of your response. Proportional response is important. It is like a social game of chicken(*mmm.. chicken, licks muzzle*). Or, on the other hand, remove yourself from the pack's presence and make it very clear why you are doing so. Continued repetition of these behaviors, the one in use depending on the situation, will establish that you are not bound by the pack's rules and thus they can either treat you differently or they will no longer have you around. Thus you are establishing dominance by refusing to follow the pack's rules and are following your own instead.

At this point, one of two things will occur, if the pack has not modified its behaviour towards you. Either they will try to hound you and try to pressure you to participate in pack activities, or they will cease to find you entertaining and move on.

If the first scenario is the case, move on to step 3.

3) If they continue to show a lack of respect for you and refuse to acknowledge your behaviour refusal of a submissive role, then you have to avoid them and refuse to spend any time with them, or answer their phone calls. You have to cut them out one way or another. They may get violent and try to beat you up, but you need to disengage from the pack one way or another. For legal precautions I am not suggesting you do these following things of a mechanical nature.

If someone needs to defend themselves from a group of people that won't take no for an answer then they have several options depending on the locale involved. If they are at home and the pack is getting aggressisve then advanced defensive strategies may be called for. These may include homemade flamethrowers, simple bear spray, grenades made out of small hairspray bottles, or a baseball bat stuck through with nails. The person making the explosive/flammable ordanance needs to be very careful both with making them, because they are very dangerous, and getting caught with them by the fuzz, which is also dangerous. For the most part, these self-defense items need not be used for injury as they are likely to be sufficient to frighten off the pestering persons. The grenades are far too dangerous to be used to frighten and should only be used in an extreme situation, such as someone or a group trying to break down the front door.

As for just being in public, if the pack comes up to you in a menacing manner and seem as if they are going to harm you, then you can make up for your size by sheer craziness. For example, a pen can be used as a self-defense weapon if need be. So basically start screaming at them like a crazed rabid Wolverine on Meth, and swinging at them with the pen and they might think of you as just too crazy to mess with. It is important that you do actually out on a good enough performance to look convincingly deranged. And that should bring you into personal independence and ready to meet some good people.

As has been pointed out by others, it is important how you present yourself and behave, or you might find yourself falling into old habits and doing the same thing as before. It is important that you *hhhhhhyyyuuuaauauuuckkkkkchhh.... excuse me, furball* take yourself seriously, otherwise others never will.
Lozzer wrote:I've tried that before, but I gave up. It requires too much of a healthy diet and lifestyle. I'm 5'6, 8 and a half stone, I eat one meal a day and smoking thousands of cigarettes and drinking lots of tea gets me through my week. I have no muscle mass at all, sometimes I find it hard to do anything as it feels like my bones are too much for the little strength I have to control. I suffer from severe tremors and I find it hard to participate in any physical exertion. I have frequent shooting pains in my chest and I constantly feel as if my body is failing me.

All this could be solved if I quit smoking, but I can't quit. And besides that, it would take a long time for me to bulk up if I did.

Eat more meat and veggies. If you just buy basic stuff you can still get adequate nutrition. Not pleasant, but adequate. As for the ciggies, I don't know. Try weed, maybe? But expensive and if you're a Yank this can be dangerous. Anyways, the best I can sum it up is that you need to start treating yourself better, otherwise you'll likely have some serious diseases by the time you're 35 or 40, if you last that long.

Hope this helps! :biggrin:
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Re: Manipulation

Post by Lozzer » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:11 pm

Manofnofaith wrote:
Lozzer wrote:Can anyone help me with this? It's really getting on my nerves. In my home I often have my mates round for beers and shit. Rarely do they listen to me, or do what I say even when I ask politely. When I get frustrated they assume I'm 'starting' on them and give me the evil eye which makes me back down. I'm small and skinny and I receive little respect from anyone. I'm trusted as a source for information with regards to things such as history and science etc by many people, but when people openly admit their ignorance and find it funny compelled to educate them--guess what, I get told to shut up.

I'm really fed up of being stepped on, I believe its my own routine of behaviour that's got me into this mess. Acting crazy and being the joker gets you no where other than ridicule when people have finished laughing. I'm respect by my other buddies (which is a very small number) who I consider my equals. When I talk to them I have the opportunity to discuss politics, current affairs and the rest, but this is rare as they all of them are adults so I naturally get treated fairly.

But I want respect from peers my own age. I want respect, and I want to be able to manipulate them like they do to me. Problem is, this requires a very large and dominating physique--something I lack. Is there any alternative way? From what I understand I'll probably have to change completely but I think its worth it.
This is idealistic I know, but I need to dictate the weak-minded and the dumb if I'm to have any confidence in my future life, and its necessary that I become a figure of authority if I'm to gain fortitude and protect my well-being now, and in the future.


I should stop making my self seem like a potential Hitler on the internet, but I can't without the closure of having a means to an end.

Grrrrr... *Unsheathes claws*.

Now, before I get on with this, I dont know how attatched you are to these people, so what I am going to say might piss you off. I don't give a flip about that. I am attempting to give you a serious answer to your situation, and you can take it or leave it. I have a little experience with this sort of thing. And before anyone asks, I am absolutely not sharing. Teenage males, and to a lesser extent, females, are pack animals. They often cling together in groups doing childish, stupid, or just generally inane or LCD things, and when in these groups they seem to think that doing either stupid things or basically wasting time is a fun hobby. I don't know exactly what the group mentality of the pack you spend time with is, but I will make certain assumptions and you can tailor it from there. You have already established your place in the pack as a submissive male. They regard you as a form of performing monkey that doesn't have much of a function other than to entertain them. And from what it says above, it seems like you provide them with consumables like some kind of treats ferret. The disrespect and doormat status you are stuck in is a result of your subordinate position within the pack. To gain respect, you must establish dominance. How do you do this? Well, it's a long process. But I can basically break it down into three main categories:

1) Refusal to provide.

2) Refusal to interact according to the pack's established rules if they do not treat you in the way that you wish.

3) Refusal to engage.

In detail:

1) Your supplying of provisions, even if it's some of the time, establishes your position as a subordinate male because you are in a way doing chores for them by supplying them with (food and?)drugs, i.e. Beer and whatever else. I'd be willing to bet that some in the group pitch in more than others. And by supplying a gathering place you are further providing services which marks you as a subordinate by establishing that it is your position to serve the others. You must cut all this out. Don't provide them with food or drugs, and however you have to do it, make sure it is clear that they cannot use your place as a den. Even if most people are chipping in for beer, for example, and they want you to as well, say you're not drinking and refuse to partake in this no matter what they say. By refusing to do this, you will likely piss them off, but more importantly you will be establishing that you do not serve them, and that is more important in the long run. No longer provide food, money, or anything else. By doing this you will be establishing that you are not some vending machine to be taken advantage of, and thus a subordinate.

2) When you are hanging around them, do not tolerate rude or diamissive statements from them. At first start off with something small, like saying, hey, don't tell me to shut up like that! If they get ruder, up the forcefulness of your response. Proportional response is important. It is like a social game of chicken(*mmm.. chicken, licks muzzle*). Or, on the other hand, remove yourself from the pack's presence and make it very clear why you are doing so. Continued repetition of these behaviors, the one in use depending on the situation, will establish that you are not bound by the pack's rules and thus they can either treat you differently or they will no longer have you around. Thus you are establishing dominance by refusing to follow the pack's rules and are following your own instead.

At this point, one of two things will occur, if the pack has not modified its behaviour towards you. Either they will try to hound you and try to pressure you to participate in pack activities, or they will cease to find you entertaining and move on.

If the first scenario is the case, move on to step 3.

3) If they continue to show a lack of respect for you and refuse to acknowledge your behaviour refusal of a submissive role, then you have to avoid them and refuse to spend any time with them, or answer their phone calls. You have to cut them out one way or another. They may get violent and try to beat you up, but you need to disengage from the pack one way or another. For legal precautions I am not suggesting you do these following things of a mechanical nature.

If someone needs to defend themselves from a group of people that won't take no for an answer then they have several options depending on the locale involved. If they are at home and the pack is getting aggressisve then advanced defensive strategies may be called for. These may include homemade flamethrowers, simple bear spray, grenades made out of small hairspray bottles, or a baseball bat stuck through with nails. The person making the explosive/flammable ordanance needs to be very careful both with making them, because they are very dangerous, and getting caught with them by the fuzz, which is also dangerous. For the most part, these self-defense items need not be used for injury as they are likely to be sufficient to frighten off the pestering persons. The grenades are far too dangerous to be used to frighten and should only be used in an extreme situation, such as someone or a group trying to break down the front door.

As for just being in public, if the pack comes up to you in a menacing manner and seem as if they are going to harm you, then you can make up for your size by sheer craziness. For example, a pen can be used as a self-defense weapon if need be. So basically start screaming at them like a crazed rabid Wolverine on Meth, and swinging at them with the pen and they might think of you as just too crazy to mess with. It is important that you do actually out on a good enough performance to look convincingly deranged. And that should bring you into personal independence and ready to meet some good people.

As has been pointed out by others, it is important how you present yourself and behave, or you might find yourself falling into old habits and doing the same thing as before. It is important that you *hhhhhhyyyuuuaauauuuckkkkkchhh.... excuse me, furball* take yourself seriously, otherwise others never will.
Lozzer wrote:I've tried that before, but I gave up. It requires too much of a healthy diet and lifestyle. I'm 5'6, 8 and a half stone, I eat one meal a day and smoking thousands of cigarettes and drinking lots of tea gets me through my week. I have no muscle mass at all, sometimes I find it hard to do anything as it feels like my bones are too much for the little strength I have to control. I suffer from severe tremors and I find it hard to participate in any physical exertion. I have frequent shooting pains in my chest and I constantly feel as if my body is failing me.

All this could be solved if I quit smoking, but I can't quit. And besides that, it would take a long time for me to bulk up if I did.

Eat more meat and veggies. If you just buy basic stuff you can still get adequate nutrition. Not pleasant, but adequate. As for the ciggies, I don't know. Try weed, maybe? But expensive and if you're a Yank this can be dangerous. Anyways, the best I can sum it up is that you need to start treating yourself better, otherwise you'll likely have some serious diseases by the time you're 35 or 40, if you last that long.

Hope this helps! :biggrin:
Cheers, I doubt they'd try and batter down my door though ;) they really aren't violent, just incredibly annoying.

As for smoking weed, that wont solve my nicotine addiction and besides that, I'm shit at skinning up.
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeee

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Re: Manipulation

Post by Pappa » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:19 pm

Lozzer wrote:As for smoking weed, that wont solve my nicotine addiction and besides that, I'm shit at skinning up.
Clearly you need more practice.

I'll get my coat.
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Re: Manipulation

Post by charlou » Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:43 am

MoNF wrote:If someone needs to defend themselves from a group of people that won't take no for an answer then they have several options depending on the locale involved. If they are at home and the pack is getting aggressisve then advanced defensive strategies may be called for. These may include homemade flamethrowers, simple bear spray, grenades made out of small hairspray bottles, or a baseball bat stuck through with nails. The person making the explosive/flammable ordanance needs to be very careful both with making them, because they are very dangerous, and getting caught with them by the fuzz, which is also dangerous. For the most part, these self-defense items need not be used for injury as they are likely to be sufficient to frighten off the pestering persons. The grenades are far too dangerous to be used to frighten and should only be used in an extreme situation, such as someone or a group trying to break down the front door.

As for just being in public, if the pack comes up to you in a menacing manner and seem as if they are going to harm you, then you can make up for your size by sheer craziness. For example, a pen can be used as a self-defense weapon if need be. So basically start screaming at them like a crazed rabid Wolverine on Meth, and swinging at them with the pen and they might think of you as just too crazy to mess with. It is important that you do actually out on a good enough performance to look convincingly deranged. And that should bring you into personal independence and ready to meet some good people.

As has been pointed out by others, it is important how you present yourself and behave, or you might find yourself falling into old habits and doing the same thing as before. It is important that you *hhhhhhyyyuuuaauauuuckkkkkchhh.... excuse me, furball* take yourself seriously, otherwise others never will.

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Re: Manipulation

Post by Transgirlofnofaith » Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:42 am

Aww, thank you, Charlou! :biggrin:
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