RD.net to be re-revamped!

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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by lordpasternack » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:05 pm

Robert_S wrote:The one great thing about the Internet's effect on the business culture is that it is now more important to be professional and competent than to put up a good front.
THIS! With knobs on! :smug:

Edit: And it's also more important to demonstrate those qualities than just to keep waving Richard Dawkins at people, and hoping that your target audience is immediately filled with enthusiasm, and perhaps forgets about all those previous fuck-ups, and those people you fucked over on those other occasions.

But, gosh - do I really need to be so RUDE?


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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by kiki5711 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:10 pm


you can't control how other people feel or what they do. You can tell them all sorts of things which should have been more appropriate(in your opinion) to do/say but you can't really complain if they don't respond to the way you want them to.

If you feel you had a good relationship with RD and somehow Paula spoiled it by saying bad things about you, therefore influencing RD to be on his toes as to how he responds to you, it's nothing you can do about it. Richard is an adult and he can respond any way he wants. The way he chose to respond is HIS choice and you can't do anything about it.

The only thing you CAN do is how You respond and things You say. I'm sorry but it's like that in every relationship. That's life and sometimes it sucks.

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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by lordpasternack » Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:12 pm

You misunderstand me, Kiki. I don't believe that Paula spoiled some relationship for me (well, actually, I do have a sneaking suspicion that that might have been PART of her motive, and part of her antagonism towards me - but it's very minor in my mind). What I do believe is that she deliberately chose to spite me, chose to refuse to act in her own and RDFRS's interests in order to spite me, and reached spurious conclusions about my motives and character in order to spite me and excuse her own gross failure to be professional.

I also believe that those notions she held/holds about me are bollocks - and that she is having a fucking laugh if she thinks it's perfectly above par, and good PR, to purposefully ignore individuals - and fail to properly address the fact that nobody really knows what RDFRS has been up to over the past two years. If she sincerely believes that it's quite acceptable, and professional, to take 7 weeks to copy and paste a hundred or so words onto the website where they should have already been, ages ago - then it's good that we can know for sure how low she lets her standards slip - and start suggesting possible new candidates for her role - who might just take their position, and the public image of RDFRS, seriously with a little more CONSISTENCY than Paula.

I also believe that aside from this being pathetic performance from Paula - that it was pathetic that Richard was even remotely convinced of its legitimacy even for five fucking minutes. The mind seriously boggles. It's also pathetic that, as per usual, Richard has probably been busy placating, rationalising, excusing and enabling the fatuous incompetence of both himself and his protégés - while I prefer to be more CONSISTENT in my desire to to ridicule the ridiculous, and contempt the contemptible, and hold incompetence to account. If this is true - then, again - it's nice at least to be aware of how low his standards for RDFRS really are - and why anybody in their right mind should find a more professional organisation to back if they support the causes that RDFRS purports to support.

Indeed - for all that I might say about his staff, and for all his well-intentioned, occasionally aggravating, fickle naivety - Richard is far and away the biggest obstacle in the way of his foundation. Not only in his frankly dire negligence, and poor delegation of responsibilities - but in his utter incapacity and unwillingness to hold those in his foundation properly to account - and his credulous gullibility, and his running of a seemingly endless excuse-mill for conduct that he would SCORN AND DESPISE in any organisation besides his own. And his utter incapacity to make his foundation take proper ownership of problems they have created, and properly concede responsibility… I daresay, were it not his own charity - Richard would quite rightly choose not to donate a penny to RDFRS.

So don't for a minute think that this is all about me and sour grapes about who is close to Richard and how bitchy they've been with me. I think they'd like to believe that, too. It would be easier to swallow, again, than to accept that I'm as willing to lump Richard right in there with them and tell them all what-for - for what it's worth… For what it's worth

And given that Richard really IS suffering from such an incurable mental block surrounding his foundation, and really is constitutionally incapable of some of the most basic tasks of managing a charity and community - then I'm quite glad that Paula and others have helped me to see this in clear resolution. That they've let us know on quite clear terms, just how low they like their standards, sometimes. What drivel they are willing to find acceptable from each other. And if this is the case - then, quite frankly, they're welcome to each other.

This isn't very personal. I don't hold personal grudges particularly well, and on the flip-side, I don't often romanticise people in a way that clouds my judgement about them. I will ridicule the ridiculous and praise the praiseworthy irrespective of who's responsible, and move on. But I'm sure I can be very, very offensive at times - and boo-fucking-hoo, frankly.
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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by kiki5711 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:42 pm

I do get you LP.

From this point on, what would you like to happen that would satisfy your mind and put your heart at ease?

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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by lordpasternack » Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:29 pm

kiki5711 wrote:I do get you LP.

From this point on, what would you like to happen that would satisfy your mind and put your heart at ease?
Either writing RDFRS off completely at my end, and encouraging others to do likewise - or seeing Richard finally holding himself and his staff to account to something approaching the same degree that he likes to see other organisations taken to account - with all the positive ramifications that would ultimately flow from that.

For Richard to hold himself and his protégés to the same intolerance of bullshit as he holds other parties.The same intolerance of wishy-washy arguments and stupid excuses; the same intolerance of rank stupidity and manifest incompetence; the same intolerance of shitty effort; the same intolerance of cynical, half-truth PR-speak; the same intolerance of a man more eager to defend his allies than defend the truth - to the same intolerances he applies to practically every sphere EXCEPT his own house. To apply reasoning, scientific thinking and evidence-based understanding to the running of his organisation that purports to promote those very values. To be ever so fucking good as to practice what he so eloquently preaches - in a nutshell. That would be nice to see.

On a side-note - I find it quite amusing - that in an email from way back when that Andrew Chalkley forwarded to me, Richard was discussing some rule-change or other on RD.net, and he stated that he should want it to be implemented discreetly or something - so as to avoid "Lordpasternackian accusations of censorship". (Yay! I'm (in)famous!)

I found it amusing on two counts - the first being that I don't honestly ever recall seriously accusing anyone from RDFRS of censorship. I may have nagged, badgered, lobbied, growled, persuaded, implored and importuned Richard and others over many issues in my time, but you'd be hard-pushed to find even two occasions of me crying "censorship!". The second vein of amusement comes from the very fact that Mr Editorial Discretion himself just fucking loves a bit of getting his quixotic little knickers all in a twist - when he sees editorial discretion that he just so happens to disagree with.

And I just don't... I have principles, and I tend to stick to them - but they tend to be (I hope) fundamentally reasonable principles. I don't pursue the vein of censorship too far because I know just how easy it is to get stuck into the contradictory loop that Richard exists in - where, when he agrees with it, it's editorial discretion, and when he so happens to disagree with it - it's censorship. His quixotism is one that flips and flops through 180-degree turns - not due to any rational enlightenment - but entirely for his own personal convenience and biases in any given situation. My quixotism generally doesn't squeak an inch to the left or right - except through reason. And I know I'm likely biased - but I tend to find that a little superior... :smug:

So - Richard, sweetheart - you're actually far more likely to receive Dawkinsian accusations of censorship than Lordpasternackian ones - it's just that you probably have more to worry about from the latter, since they'll be more internally consistent, more rigorous, and better argued than the former!
Then they for sudden joy did weep,
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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by kiki5711 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:19 pm

Luv ya LP!!! You're one of a kind!!!!


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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by lordpasternack » Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:49 pm

kiki5711 wrote:You're one of a kind!!!!
And with that, the staff at RDFRS thanked fortune for small mercies... :hehe:
Then they for sudden joy did weep,
And I for sorrow sung,
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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by lordpasternack » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:05 pm

Still no admission of fault, regret, or any other confidence-inspiring statement from RDFRS on this topic - such as how they aim to deal with queries and complaints in future, as a matter of policy. And it will never happen. Not for me - not for anyone. That's just not how they roll.

If they want to take 7 weeks to respond to a public query about what they've been up to the past two years - and if Paula wants to pick and choose who she does her job properly with, and who she fucks about with - that's just their privilege - and said public can like it or lump it. She has high standards for RDFRS, and she has nothing to prove to anyone - except the people she likes.

Paula Kirby's 'unique' approach to PR kills RDFRS softly, one more time. No Ipsos MORI polls will save them now…

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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by lordpasternack » Wed May 02, 2012 2:04 pm

With the kind of critical thinking skills that Richard Dawkins has - he should go found a charity or something!

You know, like, a charity devoted to promoting critical thinking skills or something… Yeah, I think he should really go for that. He's well up to the job… :coffee:

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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by kiki5711 » Wed May 02, 2012 4:32 pm

He's been on the road apparently. Is he back in UK now?

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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by JimC » Thu May 03, 2012 9:16 am

He was in Oz recently, debating with out repellent archbishop...

Much better in print than live, our RD...
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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by lordpasternack » Tue May 08, 2012 7:35 pm

Just a little something I posted to Seany Fairycloth via Facebook:
Purely incidentally - I did my nosey on your history on RD.net, out of curiosity and found you praising Elisabeth Cornwell for the Out Campaign and whatnot (and probably the Scarlet A, too).

I wish to make it clear that she actually played a fairly minor role in those projects, from my understanding - and her claiming to have been the main player, post facto, is a bit dishonest. The main player behind those projects was actually Josh Timonen - who, as you likely know had The Greatest Show on Earth dedicated to him, and was unsuccessfully sued by RDFRS for alleged embezzelment.

He is most certainly NOT a hero of mine - but I believe in basic historical accuracy and honesty - and find it disingenuous of Elisabeth to wipe this guy out of history and take undue credit for some RDF projects that were predominantly planned and executed by him.

See this link on RD.net, about the Out Campaign for a start. The linked interview has gone, but it's at least telling that there is no mention of Cornwell, and Timonen is clearly identified as being the main partner in it with Richard: http://richarddawkins.net/audio/1534-th ... sh-timonen

And this from Josh's blog, featuring a screen-capture of emails exchanged between Richard, over the Scarlet A design: http://joshtimonen.com/post/13890211194 ... t-letter-a

She may have misremembered. I can't know her motives - but I fear that Elisabeth Cornwell perhaps isn't the most honest and forthright woman.


I'm very constrained and understating with the new guy. :hehe:

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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by klr » Tue May 08, 2012 11:13 pm

JimC wrote:He was in Oz recently, debating with out repellent archbishop...

Much better in print than live, our RD...
No flies on him, I'd say ...
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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by lordpasternack » Mon May 14, 2012 5:42 pm

Since I was asked to put up or shut up about Elisabeth Cornwell being Richard Dawkins mistress, over on Greta Christina's Blog - I thought I should cross-post my response here:

@Simon says, and @Zengaze
also applies to the Richard Dawkins Foundation, and by extension its Executive Director in particular – Elisabeth Cornwell (who just so happens to be Richard Dawkins’ mistress). Uncannily applicable.
Source for this allegation?
Source for what? That she has been responsible for some dire and disingenuous management of RDFRS - or that she happens to be Richard's mistress? Or both?

I'll tackle the allegation regarding her being his mistress straight off the bat just now, even though it's tangential to the more important matter of her poor and disingenuous management - by first conceding that at this moment I can offer nothing more than what has been laid down in a particular court document, and what I've been told by an ex-employee of RDFRS, who has assured me that it's common knowledge on the inside - and that she is not particularly subtle about it. 

The court document in question is here:

http://dawkinssuestimonen.com/documents ... 0Owens.pdf.

It pertains to the failed lawsuit of RDFRS against Josh Timonen, if you were wondering - but that's incidental. It's a simple legal statement made by Karen Owens, an ex-Trustee of RDFRS, stating essentially what she did while she was involved with the organisation. (Note that Elisabeth Cornwell's full name is Robin Elisabeth Cornwell - and she uses both 'Robin' and 'Elisabeth' alternately.)

There are two particular points of note here. One where she states, seemingly somewhat euphemistically, that: "Robin Cornwell… became Executive Director of RDFRS on or about December 2009, but prior to this time, Ms. Cornwell enjoyed a personal relationship with Mr. Dawkins…"

Of course, 'personal relationship' could mean a lot of things here - and isn't necessarily suggestive of nepotism or conflict of interest - but read on to the email addresses and "secret email accounts" she states were used to conduct RDFRS affairs. There's a number of them - with some pretty whacky and cheesy pseudonyms in there. This is quite suggestive of the level of professionalism within RDFRS. But stay with me...

This isn't explicitly noted in the document - but I've been informed - and it makes coherent sense, that the two "secret accounts" of Richard and Elisabeth noted in the document were created explicitly for the two to converse with each other. That Richard had a fake email account under the pseudonym 'Roger Derwen', which he used to correspond with Elisabeth - who herself was operating under the not-at-all-suggestive pseudonym 'Marion Mistress'.

So - going by this affidavit, and what I have been informed to clarify it: Prior to her appointment as Executive Director of RDFRS, Cornwell enjoyed a personal relationship with Dawkins - and part of this personal relationship involved corresponding with him somewhat surreptitiously through secret email accounts and pseudonyms - where at least one of her chosen pseudonyms was 'Marion Mistress'…

I'm told that more unambiguous evidence is there and will be forthcoming - and I'm pestering people for it at the minute. But I do at least invite you to find my allegations credible in light of what I've just presented. That there was a relationship, some of it was surreptitious, the suggestion is there of a sexual affair - and that all of this may just have had some relation to Cornwell's later appointment as Executive Director of RDFRS…

I'll try to get on to discussing various failings of hers in managing RDFRS, later today, or later this week. I am kinda busy. Got exams on. But I'll try. Thanks for reading.
Last edited by lordpasternack on Mon May 14, 2012 5:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: RD.net to be re-revamped!

Post by Rum » Mon May 14, 2012 5:47 pm

What exactly are you doing all this for LP?


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