Birth of Civilization before The Flood?

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Gawdzilla Sama
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Birth of Civilization before The Flood?

Post by Gawdzilla Sama » Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:58 am

Prehistoric History Constantly Changes Contemporary Views

Gold discovered near Varna is about 3000 years older than the pyramids in Egypt; professors prove the cradle of western civilization developed along what is today Bulgarian Black Sea coast

An image of the Black Sea as it might have looked like before the Flood

A sensational hypothesis by a Bulgarian professor and two American scholars is about to shed unexpected light into the historical theories of humankind origin.

According to the aired version, the ancient civilization of the Kimerians which emerged and developed on the Black Sea coast near today Varna was the predecessor of the Sumerian culture which developed in the East after the Flood which is dated to have happened about 8000 BC. Those of the Kimerians who stayed in what is today Bulgarian land, later grew into the culture and civilization of the Thracians. The hypothesis is backed by solid facts and research results.

The authors of the hypothesis are Prof Petko Dimitrov, leader of Marine Geology and Archeology Department in the Institute of Oceanology with the Bulgarian Academy of Science in Varna and the eminent American scholars William Ryan and Walter Pitman from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in the University of Columbia.

The scholars' suggestions are based on the comparative analysis of Neolithic findings discovered near Varna and Durankulak, both in northeastern Bulgaria as well as underwater research in the mouth of the Provadiya River, northeastern Bulgaria. Prehistoric settlements were discovered there underwater. All these facts are more than suggestive that the nowadays Bulgarian Black Sea coast might have once been the cradle of the civilization which in Neolithic times colonized the European Mediterranean coasts and reached today Portuguese Atlantic coasts.

According to recent metallographic analyses carried out by engineers and archaeologists from Varna, the first tools which helped humankind go out of the cave were manufactured near Varna. The first tools found there are by centuries older than those discovered in Egypt and the Middle East. Another proof of this theory is the famous Noah's plate which Prof Petko Dimitrov discovered in the Black Sea in 1985. The most precious about the plate are the 27 unscripted symbols, which according to experts may turn out to be the oldest human script. The contrast study of the symbols and the Sumerian script shows similarity between the two.

The scholars also studied the gold findings from Varna Copper Age necropolis unearthed in 1978. This gold is by about 3000 years older than the Egyptian pyramids and evidences for the oldest civilization on the Bulgarian lands.

So far it was believed the metal founding and forging first appeared in the so-called Fertile Crescent ? the lands between the Nile Rive mouth, through Palestine and hills of Anatolia and the mountains between Iran and the Caspian Sea. The metal works found there of these ancient times are two handfuls. A truck cannot hold all the prehistoric metal objects discovered in Bulgaria. The metal works from the Crescent were made of virgin metal the moulding of which did not require special skills. The metal tools discovered in Bulgaria are products of a developed technical skills like metal forging and moulding in complex closed patterns.

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