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Re: DavidMabus

Post by MattShizzle » Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:33 pm

Update: He now faces 16 charges and is in the loony bin for a 30 day evaluation - unless they decide he needs to stay longer (hopefully.)
http://www.globalmontreal.com/montreals ... story.html
Known online as “David Mabus”, Dennis Markuze of St. Laurent has been charged with uttering death threats and for criminally harassing seven victims.

Two charges were laid against him Wednesday -- and an additional 14 were added on Friday.

Markuze has been sent for a 30-day psychological evaluation at Montreal’s Pinel Institute and will appear in court again on Sept. 19.

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Re: DavidMabus

Post by Gawdzilla Sama » Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:35 pm

You realize you're calling him a troll, don't you? :toetap:

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Re: DavidMabus

Post by MattShizzle » Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:03 pm

Latest info is they're holding him now until a court hearing on Dec 2. And he was diagnosed as bipolar and having substance abuse issues.

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Re: DavidMabus

Post by Bella Fortuna » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:36 pm

Sent from my Bollocksberry using Crapatalk.
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Re: DavidMabus

Post by Bella Fortuna » Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:18 pm

Markuze/Mabus back in jail again for parole violation... http://doubtfulnews.com/2012/11/dennis- ... ted-again/
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Re: DavidMabus

Post by Calilasseia » Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:25 pm

This joker turned up at RatSkep. Again, it was the reason we put in place the prior approval of newcomers' posts, so we could trap his walls of spamtard and toss them in the bin. He went through about 20 user names before giving up.

He's basically a weapons-grade moon pie. Most other human beings would have to meddle with exotic psychoactive chemicals on an industrial scale to achieve the same level of disconnect from normal thought processes. The moment he started issuing threats, however, he went from "point and laugh" to "quarantine behind razor wire and attack dogs".

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Re: DavidMabus

Post by That Alien Guy. » Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:35 pm

So why is this chimp not in a position of power? I thought it was a tradition to put the most potentially dangerous neurologically unbalanced individuals in charge of you all?

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Re: DavidMabus

Post by DaveDodo007 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:36 am

That Alien Guy. wrote:So why is this chimp not in a position of power? I thought it was a tradition to put the most potentially dangerous neurologically unbalanced individuals in charge of you all?
He didn't go in for a political career?
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Re: DavidMabus

Post by Hermit » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:32 am

Someone going by the alias of David Bauer, who is not Dennis Markuze, no siree, he is so not Dennis Markuze at all, assuredly not, will write an AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH to that effect if necessary, is spamming da innerwebs, protesting his innocence.
davidbauer wrote:Written on Behalf of Dennis Markuze by an old friend. Here he presents his SIDE and I think you will agree that he is right!

"I was never approached to offer me my side of the story. Here are the FACTS not the faulty information fed to you by a gang of atheists and drama producing police. Hopefully you can do an article taking my side. I am a odd character, a unique individual, who has been turned into a media monster for my strange ideas, BUT I'M RIGHT!


On November 16, 2012, I was arrested in my own house for being on a chat room and apparently harassing Tim Farley. He tweaked and twisted my words to make them appear threatening because he knew that for me to be simply on the Internet was a crime. He reported me to the police and made fraudulent and out of context remarks on what I said. He took harmless banter and converted it into hostile hate speech. Overnight the police got a search warrant and raided my house, seizing property. Again, simply being on the internet was enough. No threats were made and no violent acts committed. He suffered no injury. He suffered no financial loss. He suffered no loss in credibility. But I have suffered all these things and more. I have no history of violence in my past. I'm a writer who engages in debate with the power of words not force of arms. I debate, sometimes hotly, with skeptics and atheists to disprove their ideas. Farley doesn’t like what I have to say about him and his organization, the James Randi Foundation. He wants to silence my right to state my ideas on religion and politics, and he and his gang have called the police whenever they suspect I'm on the Internet. All they want to do is deprive me of my freedom so as to discredit my ideas. I am being ganged up on, bullied, and marked by atheists and skeptics, and even the media is taking their side, not once asking for my side of the story. True, some of my words may be rude or tasteless such as, “I will crush you,” or, “I will be rid of you etc.” My actual ideas center upon the utter waste of intelligence used in the ideology of atheism and the importance of peace and disarmament for the planet, and the terrible costs of war. My real words can be found here not the broken fragments they produce to use as lies to condemn me:

Please spend the time to read, watch, and hear what I have to say here:

How we won the James Randi $1,000,000 Paranormal Challenge (with images) · deltoidmachine · Storify

Dennis Markuze


January, 21, 2014"
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops. - Stephen J. Gould

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