Global Climate Change Science News

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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by macdoc » Tue May 14, 2024 9:45 am

Hehe - not a great idea for Australia to go nuclear power - too much sun and wind power.
Better to sell the uranium to those with an existing nuclear industry.
BTW Brian there has been a nuclear reactor in a neighborhood near MacMaster University since the 50s. ... r-reactor/
You can walk across the reactor and watch the reaction safely.
We have a very safe nuclear industry tho our mining is not so well governed.
Fortunately our nuclear facilities were built long ago at much reduced prices and are due for upgrades and refurbishment. Our reactor design should have done better internationally but never did.
It will run thorium which of interest to India which has lots.
Still a full scale nuclear plant is expensive....better Ontario buys hydro power from Quebec which can sell at 2 cents per KWH on a wholesale basis.
People in Ontario are still pissed about overly generous feed in tariffs from when the renewable industry was kicking off.
Same as ours in Aus where we get 44 cents feed in and that can be up to $170 a quarter from our aging panels.
Keeps our power bills way most $400 a quarter before the rebate. That's due to run out next year and we have to decide to if we want a bigger array at a lower feedin.

AC use is very low, we have no heating, my vehicle gets 350 km from 13 liters of fuel and my next one will be electric altho with the little driving we do it is hardly worthwhile.
Our long distance flying days are over tho we do fly locally and New Zealand. We try and fly 787s as they are more fuel efficient per passenger mile than a Prius with 4 passengers.
Partner eats close to zero meat and I eat much less than in the past and we try to avoid foods with long distance shipping...I switched my Brit biscuits to Australian version
We have always voted for middle left parties with decent environmental programs and that have a reasonable chance of getting in power. ( channelling Machiavelli).
The Liberal Party is the longest-serving and oldest active federal political party in the country, and has dominated federal politics of Canada for much of its history, holding power for almost 70 years of the 20th century.
In Aus Jude votes Labour.
All of them could do more but they have to be in power to move the agenda forward.

In your court Brian... :pop:
BTW your UCS article is pretty slanted anti-nuclear not just a correcting of misconceptions which there are lots of out there.
It is hyperbolic and fear mongering bringing up Fukishima and Chernobyl which are outliers that do not represent nuclear risks ...forgetting that 10% of the worlds power is safely nuclear and some like France 70 percent....nary a mention of those realities nor the overwhelming safety record of nuclear power.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by aufbahrung » Tue May 14, 2024 4:34 pm

Close but no cigar. It is a engineering problem with climate change. Should you see that far it is only a little further to see that engineers not scientists should be in charge of the entire climate change debate. Science is for the unknown unknowns not the known knowns generally. It will not take a motely crew of engineers in dirty laundry long to scrub these tinkering around the edges solutions, and go for nuking the climate problem from orbit. I'm not sure it will work as intended at first try - plenty of room for some doom in the answer given.

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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by macdoc » Wed May 15, 2024 12:23 am

Are you parroting Exxon? :smoke:
Exxon CEO calls climate change engineering problem
By Matt Daily
June 28, 20123:49 AM GMT+10Updated 12 years ago
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday that efforts to address climate change should focus on engineering methods to adapt to shifting weather patterns and rising sea levels rather than trying to eliminate use of fossil fuels.
Tillerson said humans have long adapted to change, and governments should create policies to cope with the Earth's rising temperatures.
"Changes to weather patterns that move crop production areas around -- we'll adapt to that. It's an engineering problem and it has engineering solutions," Tillerson said in a presentation to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Unfortunately it is also a problem of "engineering" politicians which is not straight forward tho money talks.
The big oil infrastructure will be needed for sequestering carbon.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Brian Peacock » Wed May 15, 2024 9:52 am

macdoc wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 2:01 am
ALL carbon reducing technologies will be in play the province handles this might be of concern to tax payers as there is a history of over runs and wasteful spending but more nukes are welcome...
Are they for you?
There are 420-440 nuclear reactors in the world today meeting c.10% of the world's total electrical energy needs, with about half of those being scheduled for decommissioning by 2050 (IAEA 2023). At present there are c.60 reactors being built across the world with a further 110 planned (WNA 2024).

Let's be generous and say that 440 reactors plus the 170 plants under construction and planned are all in operation in 2050. That additional capacity will increase the proportion of nuclear's contribution to today's total electricity needs by c.2.7% - we can round that up to 13% overall.

But in reality the IAEA predict around 200 decommissionings by 2050, so the additional 170 plants, which may be more efficient and produce more GWh will still not significantly increase nuclear's contribution to the world's energy needs.

Current electricity demand is c.22,848 TWh (IEA 2022), but with Paris Agreement proposals to move off-grid energy use on-grid electricity demand is projected to rise to c.70,000 TWh by 2050 (Energy Data, current).

Even in my generous, best-case scenario it looks like nuclear's contribution to the world's energy needs will effectively be reduced by c.60% by 2050 to around 5% of generated electricity overall.

I'm not against the technology. It's clean in terms of emissions at the point of generation, but it is also resource intensive, is not a sustainable (let alone renewable) source of energy, and, while a nuclear plant can produce a lot of electricity over it's lifetime, long run-in times and high fuel processing, maintenance, decommissioning, and waste management costs make it relatively expensive p/MWh compared to solar and wind (c.3-5x more expensive than wind and solar when costs are levelized - depending who you ask).

What I question is the wisdom of pouring resources into nuclear for less gain over time when a significant upscaling of wind and solar capacity can be implemented right now with fast builds, and zero fuel and low maintenance costs from day one.
macdoc wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 2:01 am
We as a household adhere to all of those suggestions in some measure and within our means.

Do you? :coffee:
I'm not interested in getting into a pissing contest, but you already have the means to go totally veg*n, to significantly reduce your CO₂e/kg per person per litre of fuel, and to eradicate your CO₂e/tn per person per flight, for exampl;e. When you talk about adhering to those suggestions, in some measure, 'within your means', are you not really talking about 'within your preferences' - you prefer to eat a delicious sausage than decline it, you prefer to take a 200km ride on your bike than not, you prefer to take a holiday flight than opt for an lower carbon alternative? Indeed, you're lucky enough have the means to make all those choices, and so you feel free to make them. Do you not have the means to make different choices already, and if so, why do you not make them?
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by rasetsu » Wed May 15, 2024 11:00 am

macdoc wrote:
Sun May 12, 2024 9:37 pm
From the climate scientists....what can the individual do...?
What are the most powerful climate actions you can take? The expert view ... u-can-take
Can individual action really help?

Many of the experts were clear on the limits. “It can only go so far. Deep, rapid cuts in carbon emissions from oil and gas, as well as other sectors such as transport, are needed, which are outside the control of the average individual,” said Dr Shobha Maharaj, a climate impacts scientist from Trinidad and Tobago.

“Individual action can only amount to a drop in the bucket – only systemic changes will be sufficient,” said Prof David Wrathall, at Oregon State University in the US. But Prof Hiroyuki Enomoto, at Japan’s National Institute of Polar Research, said that while individual actions have a small impact, they are important in increasing collective awareness of the problem.

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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by macdoc » Thu May 16, 2024 8:30 pm

It will take all levels of action to reduce carbon emissions. Just because one set of actions is insufficient does not mean in any way they should be abandoned or dismissed.

It will take all levels and it still is very unlikely to resolve the problem ...only mitigate...something we can all do as the scientists suggest.
3C will be interesting times IMNSHO...I won't see it but my kid might,
Fortunately the population will already be dropping and the over abundance of oldsters will get hit the worst.
Aging Human Populations: Good for Us, Good for the Earth › article › abs › pii
by F Götmark · 2018 · Cited by 83 — A range of social, economic, and environmental benefits are associated with older age profiles and stable or declining populations, which more than
The Conversation › extreme-heat-is-particular...
25 July 2023 — Older adults don't sweat or cool down as efficiently as younger people. Heat stress can worsen underlying conditions like heart, lung and kidney disease, and ...
Combination of plunging fertility rates, aging population and more rapidly warming climate and who knows what pandemic lurks...the warmth is moving endemic diseases beyond the tropics....stay tuned in the slow boil....
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by aufbahrung » Fri May 17, 2024 8:20 am

We know the climate change driven collapse of civilization will not be pretty. Whilst individually nothing can be done if by making euthanasia popular, by whatever means, we could bring the population collapse closer and that would make a difference. A few days could make the difference - we don't have a way of knowing. What we do know is a fractional population will produce a fractional pollution and climate change. And you can make some difference here by spreading memes for euthanasia.

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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by pErvinalia » Fri May 17, 2024 8:35 am

Are you putting your hand up?
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Sean Hayden » Fri May 17, 2024 9:44 am

Imagine that. I guess it's only coincidental that you'd already be the perfect citizen in the ideal world you're selling.

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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by rasetsu » Fri May 17, 2024 12:50 pm

macdoc wrote:
Thu May 16, 2024 8:30 pm
It will take all levels of action to reduce carbon emissions. Just because one set of actions is insufficient does not mean in any way they should be abandoned or dismissed.

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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by macdoc » Sat May 18, 2024 9:31 am

Ancient trees reveal last summer hottest in 2,000 years
4 days ago

Italy was one of a number of European countries to experience a prolonged heatwave last summer
Clues hidden deep in the trunks of ancient trees have revealed that last summer was the northern hemisphere's hottest in 2,000 years.

Last year had already been confirmed as the world's warmest on record by a large margin, at least since 1850, due to climate change.

But tree rings, which record temperature information far further back than even Victorian scientific records, now show just how unprecedented last year's scorching temperatures were.

Researchers say that temperatures last June, July and August were nearly 4C warmer than the coldest summer two millennia ago.

Oceans suffer from record-breaking year of heat
2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record
Climate scientists have repeatedly shown that global temperatures have been rising rapidly in recent decades. According to the UN's climate body, the last time the world was consistently this warm may have been more than 100,000 years ago.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by aufbahrung » Sun May 19, 2024 1:36 am

2000 years is not very long. Don't you see that's playing right into the hands of climate deniers?

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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by JimC » Sun May 19, 2024 4:06 am

Some of those deniers will say that climate change has saved us from a new ice age!
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by pErvinalia » Sun May 19, 2024 7:23 am

Some of them actually do.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by JimC » Sun May 19, 2024 8:16 am

I for one wish to thank climate change for preventing wooly mammoths rampaging through Melbourne...
Nurse, where the fuck's my cardigan?
And my gin!

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