Global Climate Change Science News

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Brian Peacock
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Brian Peacock » Sat Dec 30, 2023 10:54 pm

macdoc wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:56 pm
You even got the tone police thing incorrect
A tone argument is a type of ad hominem aimed at the tone of an argument instead of its factual or logical content in order to dismiss a person's argument. Ignoring the truth or falsity of a statement, a tone argument instead focuses on the emotion with which it is expressed.
What factual content did you offer regarding "oceans boiling"?
I think the charge of hyperbole falls well within that description.

If you want to talk about the need for young leadership.....start another thread.

This is a Global Climate Change Science News thread. you have some to contribute? :coffee:
Did you read the article? As has been mentioned many times, this has become the Climate Change and related stuff thread. Indeed, you regularly treat it as such yourself. You're not obliged to contribute or engage with any particular post or poster of course, but nor do you have a right to limit the scope of other people's interests or participation either. So you'll just have to deal with that in your own way I guess.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Sean Hayden » Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:12 pm

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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by pErvinalia » Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:15 am

What's that in chains per calorie?
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Brian Peacock » Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:34 pm

C° = (5 ÷ 9) × (F° - 32).

50°F = 0.55556 × 18 = ⌊10°C⌋
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by JimC » Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:37 pm

Nurse, where the fuck's my cardigan?
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Brian Peacock » Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:43 am

Oil industry veteran to lead next round of Cop climate change summit
Cop29, the next round of UN talks to tackle the climate crisis, will be led by another veteran of the oil and gas industry.

Mukhtar Babayev, Azerbaijan’s ecology and natural resources minister, has been appointed the president-in-waiting for the Cop29 climate talks when they take place in the country in November.

Before his entry into politics in the autocratic country in western Asia, once a Soviet republic, Babayev spent 26 years working for the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (Socar).

Close observers of the Cop process will see parallels with the appointment of Sultan Al Jaber, who moonlighted from his role as the chief executive of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company to preside over the summit when it took place in Dubai last year.


n the environment role, he described remediation as the “shared mission and moral imperative” of all Azerbaijanis, but also said that any fall in oil prices could hamper efforts.

US diplomats reported him as saying in a subsequent meeting that his mission was to “change the mentality” of Azerbaijanis about their responsibilities to the environment, and even joking that his new role made him and Socar’s first vice-president “enemies”.

But he reportedly emphasised his role was to change Socar’s attitude to the environment while nonetheless continuing to develop Azerbaijan’s oil industry...
Hmmm. :tea:
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Sean Hayden » Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:43 pm

Brian Peacock wrote:
Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:34 pm
C° = (5 ÷ 9) × (F° - 32).

50°F = 0.55556 × 18 = ⌞10°C⌟
The tweet says minus 50s, a bit more shocking.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Brian Peacock » Mon Jan 08, 2024 8:25 am

Yehbut minus numbers aren't real!

-50°F = 0.55556 × -82 = ⌈-46°C⌉
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"It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Brian Peacock » Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:19 am

We don't have time to wait for hydrogen air travel, retro-fitting albedo-enhancing glass, 5000 new SNRs, vat-grown pork chops, carbon capture and storage, sunglasses for the Earth, or lifeboat colonies on the Moon and Mars etc.

2023 smashes record for world’s hottest year by huge margin
2023 “smashed” the record for the hottest year by a huge margin, providing “dramatic testimony” of how much warmer and more dangerous today’s climate is from the cooler one in which human civilisation developed.

The planet was 1.48C hotter in 2023 compared with the period before the mass burning of fossil fuels ignited the climate crisis. The figure is very close to the 1.5C temperature target set by countries in Paris in 2015, although the global temperature would need to be consistently above 1.5C for the target to be considered broken.

Scientists at the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (CCCS) said it was likely the 1.5C mark will be passed for the first time in the next 12 months.


The CCCS data also showed that 2023 was the first year on record when every day was at least 1C warmer than the 1850-1900 pre-industrial record. Almost half the days were 1.5C hotter and, for the first time, two days were more than 2C hotter. The higher temperatures increased from June, with September’s heat so far above previous averages that one scientist called it “gobsmackingly bananas”.

Carlo Buontempo, a CCCS director, said: “The extremes we have observed over the last few months provide a dramatic testimony of how far we now are from the climate in which our civilisation developed.

“This has profound consequences for the Paris agreement and all human endeavours. If we want to successfully manage our climate risk, we need to urgently decarbonise our economy whilst using climate data and knowledge to prepare for the future.”...
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by macdoc » Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:35 am

So what's your solution ?

BTW this is untrue
The extremes we have observed over the last few months provide a dramatic testimony of how far we now are from the climate in which our civilisation developed.
The Holocene Maximum was slightly higher but not by much.
It's where we are headed that is the concern....and how fast.
You diss tech improvements but every little bit helps...after all, carbon is forever ( almost )
Carbon is forever
Mason Inman
Nature Climate Change volume 1, pages156–158 (2008)Cite this article

Carbon dioxide emissions and their associated warming could linger for millennia, according to some climate scientists. Mason Inman looks at why the fallout from burning fossil fuels could last far longer than expected.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by JimC » Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:56 am

Brian emphasises political change, mac emphasises technological innovation - IMO, we need both!
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by pErvinalia » Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:03 am

Brian wants us to go back to living in caves! :marx:
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Brian Peacock » Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:26 am

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"It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by Brian Peacock » Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:38 am

macdoc wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:35 am
So what's your solution ?
The same as the UNs. Not to wait for the free market to solve the problem based on estimations of short-term profitability, but to embark on programs of rapid and radical transformation towards Sustainability for long-term benefit through coordinated government action.
macdoc wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:35 am
You diss tech improvements but every little bit helps...after all, carbon is forever ( almost )
But I don't diss tech.

I have stated my views on this many, many times - I also want to see our descendants enjoying the post-scarcity eco-balanced techtopias of Star Trek etc. The challenge of your complaint about my views on tech has been met over and over again - but still your repeat it. Why?

Again, I'll repeat that we need to give ourselves the breathing space to develop and implement any and all solutions at the scales necessary - including tech. This requires stable and ordered social and political environments, which require examining and transforming the essentially 19th century economic paradigms that have pushed us over the cliff edge. The question now is how hard are we going to land? A viable biosphere that exists within its boundaries is simply a necessary prerequisite for the tech you champion and I desire. So in the absence of future tech solutions let's throw everything we have to hand at the problem now.

What I am extremely wary of are 'just so, just round the corner' stories about how future tech will be capable of addressing all the issues and meeting all our needs - so let's just carry on with business as usual and deal with the climate later when the tech finally arrives. I'm also highly sceptical of stories suggesting that global heating is somehow normal or natural or to be expected, as evidenced by the Holocene peak - which seems to be your current hobby horse.

As for the longevity of CO2 in the atmosphere: yep, it's going to be a problem. But rather than waiting for the magic of CCS etc to arrive the quickest, most cost efficient way to address CO2 levels is to massively reduce emissions while significantly ramping up programs which sequester it in biomass. We could start doing that today. In fact most of the world has already committed to doing just that - but it's not only not being put into practice, it's being actively resisted by both mass emitters and by governments for short-term economic and political gains that serve only a tiny handful of specific interests. Methane also has to be addressed, as it has a global warming potential orders of magnitude greater than CO2 over the short-term term.

There is no dichotomy between tech, social and economic transformation, and ecological reform - unless, that is, one is banking on only one of those over the others.
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"It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice.
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Re: Global Climate Change Science News

Post by macdoc » Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:28 pm

you don't diss tech ? ..what the fuck is this ?
We don't have time to wait for hydrogen air travel, retro-fitting albedo-enhancing glass, 5000 new SNRs, vat-grown pork chops, carbon capture and storage, sunglasses for the Earth, or lifeboat colonies on the Moon and Mars etc.
I prefer to concentrate on the progress that IS being made by people, regions and nations that ARE moving to carbon neutral, rather than wringing hands and moaning about fickle humans and the flaws of democratic decision making.
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