Letter Box

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Letter Box

Post by cronus » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:57 am

Is it offensive if someone is described as a letterbox on account of their religion? Not like they are wearing a dog collar?
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Scot Dutchy » Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:01 am

Or calling some penguins?

BTW I wish people would not confuse the two garments a burqa and a niqab. Johnson is referring to the latter.

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Re: Letter Box

Post by JimC » Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:07 am

I don't care whether it's politically correct to say so or not, a Niqab/Burka is a stupid, oppressive garment that is a symptom of significant aspects of a very nasty, delusional religion.
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Scot Dutchy » Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:10 am

It just shows ignorance.
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Rum » Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:59 am

They are a symbol of oppression and I for one don't like them but one needs to examine Johnson's motives in publically and in print making these comments. He wishes to stir division and create the 'other' in our society - a popular tactic with the right wing. He also wants to remain in the game as far as the Tory leadership is concerned. He's a calculating and cunning cunt.

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Re: Letter Box

Post by cronus » Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:04 pm

Seem OK for blow jobs, need to adopt a more western approach to dress if they want to take it further with me.
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Jason » Wed Aug 08, 2018 2:02 pm

What does it mean to call someone a "letterbox?"

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Re: Letter Box

Post by Rum » Wed Aug 08, 2018 2:48 pm

Śiva wrote:
Wed Aug 08, 2018 2:02 pm
What does it mean to call someone a "letterbox?"
He commented that the slit for the eyes makes them look like a letter box. No hidden meaning.

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Re: Letter Box

Post by Scot Dutchy » Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:05 pm

I dont even think it is from real life more the way many cartoonists draw muslim women wearing a veil.
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Alan B » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:29 pm

Hijab is a fabrication So says Queen Rania of Jordan.
I think her reasoning about the Hijab can be equally applied to the Burka and Niqab.
See Quran[ 7:26 ]
This is the BASIC rule of DRESS CODE in the Quran. This is the first rule in WOMEN DRESS CODE in Islam.
The second rule can be found in Quran 24:31 . Here God orders the women to cover their bosoms whenever they dress up. But before quoting 24:31 let us review some crucial words that are always mentioned with this topic, namely "Hijab" and "Khimar"
THE WORD "HIJAB" in the QURAN "Hijab" is the term used by many Muslims women to describe their head cover that may or may not include covering their face except their eyes, and sometimes covering also one eye. The Arabic word "Hijab" can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word "Hijab" include, screen, cover (ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider.
Can we find the word "Hijab" in the Quran??
The word "Hijab" appeared in the Quran 7 times, five of them as "Hijab" and two times as "Hijaban,". See Quran 7:46 , 33:53 , 38:32 , 41:5,42:51 , 17:45 and 19:17.
None of these "Hijab" words are used in the Quran in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today (Hijab) as a dress code for the Muslim woman.
God knows that generations after Muhammed's death the Muslims will use the word "Hijab" to invent a dress code that He never authorized. God used the word "Hijab" ahead of them just as He used the word "Hadith" ahead of them. Hijab in the Quran has nothing to do with the Muslim Women dress code.

While many Muslims call "Hijab", an Islamic dress code, they completely ignore the fact that, Hijab as a dress code has nothing to do with Islam and nothing to do with QURAN.
"Hijab" or veil can be traced back to early civilizations. It can be found in early and late Roman and Greek art. The evidence can be seen in archeological discoveries whether in pottery fragments, paintings or recorded civil laws.
In Greco-Roman culture, both women and men wore head covering in religious contexts. The tradition of wearing the veil (by women) and the headcover (by men) was then adopted by the Jews who wrote it in the Talmud then the Christians adopted the same. A well respected Rabbi once explained to a group of Jewish young women, "We do not find a direct command in the Torah mandating that women cover their heads, but we do know that this has been the continuing custom for thousands of years." After the prophet Muhammad's death , the writers of the hadith books adopted and encouraged the ancient tradition of head covering. Hadith book' writers took after the Jews as they did with many other traditions , and alleged them to the prophet since the Quran did not command it.
Any student of the Jewish traditions or religious books will see that head cover for the Jewish woman (and men) has been encouraged by the Rabbis and religious leaders. Observant Jewish women still cover their heads most of the time and specially in the synagogues, weddings, and religious festivities.
Christian women cover their heads in many religious occasions while the nuns cover their heads all the time. As we can expect the traditional Arabs, of all religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to wear head cover, or "Hijab," not because of Islam, but because of tradition. In Saudi Arabia, up to this day most of the men cover their heads , not because of Islam but because of tradition. North Africa is known for its Tribe (Tuareg) that have the Muslim men wearing "Hijab" instead of women. Here the tradition has the hijab in reverse. If wearing Hijab is the sign of the pious and righteous Muslim woman, Mother Teresa would have been the first woman to be counted.
In brief, hijab is a traditional dress and has nothing to do with Islam or religion. In certain areas of the world, men are the ones who wear the hijab while in others the women do. Mixing religion with tradition is a form of idolworship, since the followers of traditions are following laws from sources other than God's scriptures and claim it to be from God. Idolworship is the only unforgivable sin if maintained till death.
Ignoring what God asks you to do in His book, or following innovated laws not stated in the the Quran, is a clear sign of disregarding God and His message.
When tradition supersedes God's commandment, the true religion takes a second place. God never accepts to be second, God has to be always the FIRST and to HIM there is no second.
As far as I'm concerned these 'Islamic' body coverings are nothing to do with the religion but are purely cultural and existed before Islam. They basically arose out of the local male inability to control their own sexual urges - otherwise why would girls be forced (as a custom) only to adopt this dress code at the onset of puberty?
But as for Johnson, he's a two-faced cunt: on the one hand he makes a stupid 'letter-box' remark and on the other he says the Burka/Niqab should not be banned. He's being deliberately politically manipulative. Fuckall to do with Islam.
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Rum » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:33 pm

I prefer to think of the men you are referring to being terrified of the sexual power of women. And of course their oppression of them.

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Re: Letter Box

Post by Alan B » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:37 pm

Similarly, read this:
Sydney Morning Herald
But not one of the lines of the Koran bids a woman to have her face completely obliterated by a burqa, even in prayer; her face may be shown to Allah and all around her. Culturally, no stanza of the Islamic teachings I studied exhorts a man to order his woman to cover her face – everything else, yes, but wending her way along streets covered in a tent with slits for vision is never mentioned.
Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power - Eric Hoffer.
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Alan B » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:38 pm

Rum wrote:
Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:33 pm
I prefer to think of the men you are referring to being terrified of the sexual power of women. And of course their oppression of them.
That is mentioned in the above Sydney Herald link.

None of this Niqab/Burka/Hijab crap is to do with Islam. It is cultural appropriation. It is like saying that to ban the English custom of tea and cucumber sandwiches at 4 o'clock is 'anti-Christian'...
Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power - Eric Hoffer.
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Brian Peacock » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:51 pm

Meh. I'm not particularly bothered by what people wear. Boris wasn't criticising Muslim women's fashion choices though, he was slyly slipping a bit of xenophobic dogwhistle racism into his first public remarks after resigning as Foreign Secretary - ensuring we're talking about something other than his orthodox Brexitarianism while positions himself for a leadership bid.
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Re: Letter Box

Post by Jason » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:52 pm

I think you raise a very interesting point Alan. I'm glad to have someone who is knowledgeable about these things on the forums. :D

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