Timebomb Game Thread

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Re: Timebomb Day 4

Post by Uselesstwit » Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:28 pm

oblivion wrote:ok, so whether you are armed or not, UT, if you are town, then you still win with town.

If my thoughts about who should be kept out of armed territory suck, then who are your choices?
yes but you just made it less likely that town can win didn't you? At the very very least you just wasted a seer view. Like I just said, I say the seer outs and everyone but them get armed. unless they can get a view on someone else tonight, preferably someone besides praying because you've really clouded her to me.
irretating wrote:you're a genius, UT!

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Re: Timebomb Day 4

Post by oblivion » Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:32 pm

Uselesstwit wrote:
oblivion wrote:ok, so whether you are armed or not, UT, if you are town, then you still win with town.

If my thoughts about who should be kept out of armed territory suck, then who are your choices?
yes but you just made it less likely that town can win didn't you? At the very very least you just wasted a seer view. Like I just said, I say the seer outs and everyone but them get armed. unless they can get a view on someone else tonight, preferably someone besides praying because you've really clouded her to me.
I don't think I made it less likely, actually. I reduced some uncertainty that was going to surround you no matter what after irre's performance in this game, and Charlou encouraged me to keep my vote where it was. I'm convinced she is town, and I think she and I have come to a lot of the same conclusions. That was good enough for me.

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Timebomb Finale

Post by Zigmen » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:45 pm



Who won? Read on to find out:

Or, click the Spoiler for the fast answer:
Trigger Warning!!!1! :
Scum wins!!!
I assume you did not click on the spoiler!

Here's the game mechanics:

The Setup:

14 players: 3 Scum/11 Town.
Each member gets a Vest with 1 point on it (1/10) (Same for Town and Scum).

When enough points have been handed out so that Town can eliminate All Scum, or for Scum to achieve Parity, the game will end. 

Each day, every vote that lands on a player adds a point to their vest. (Max 15 possible points/Avg 1 per player)
Every night, Scum may place 5-9 points on any one player OR place 1/2 points each onto any two players. If they split the points, they will lose one odd point. This is based on 3+2D3 (3+2x a three-sided dice) which will always be an odd number between 5-9.
A mayor will be elected and can cast 2 points onto any player they wish.
Town Specials:
Seer: can view the alignment of any player at night. ONLY effective if the Seer has 7 or less points on his vest at the moment of the view. Seer will be told about this in their role PM.
Doc: Can protect any one player from pont-changing at night. ONLY effective if the Doc has 7 or less points on his vest at the moment of the protection. Doc will be told about this in their role PM. THE HIDDEN CATCH: Half of the points the Doc successfully blocks will be placed onto the Doc's vest. We will not tell the Doc this. They will need to figure it out.
Diffuser: Can take All the points of any vest at night, including his own vest. If the Diffuser has 7 or more points on his vest, he can ONLY diffuse his own vest. Diffuser will be told all of that in his role PM. THE HIDDEN CATCH: Half of the "diffused" points from anyone else's vest will be placed onto the diffuser's vest. We will not tell the Diffuser this.
The Bomb: Typically, this Mafia role takes out the killer as well at the victim, In our game, the Town Bomb will accrue points like a normal player, but will also send the same amount of nightkill points directly back toward his killer. IOW, Day Votes still count against this player. Nightkill points still count against this player. But, any NK points directed at this player Also land on his NK killer.
Scum Specials:
The Don. Views as Town.
The Roleblocker. Can block the move of any player at night, but not two nights in a row on the same player.
The Changeling: Can choose any player to switch himself with for the night. Can only be used once in the game. Any night moves aimed at this player will befall the player he switched with, and vice-versa.
Scum will be given a chance to completely disarm a vest on N3, but they must choose which vest to diffuse by N1.

The Roster:

Town Specials:
Feck Town Seer (Authorized)
Bolero Town Diffuser (Crazywomen)
Charlou Town Doctor (Pathfinder)
MZ Town Bomb (Monkeyspit)

Mantis Town (Duckmaster)
UT Town (Falconview)
Aza Town (Regulation)
Obliv Town (Cumberland)
Praying Town (Bankruptcy)
Fuzzy Town (Motherland)
Gib Town (Republican)

Scum Team:
Athene/Irre Scum Roleblocker (Beachfront)
Diva Scum Don (Educations)
Gonzo Scum Changeling (Springvale)

The Scum Pms:

Role PM:

Welcome To Timebomb!!!
DennyB and Zigmen are your GMs. Please address all of your PMs to Both of us! Thanks!


Password: bolster (may be Bolster) cant remember!

You are the Scum Team. You win when you achieve parity with Town.

This game is complex, so please read the Peanut Gallery Rules thoroughly.

Divagreen: The Don. If viewed by the Seer, will appear to be Town. Codeword: Educations.

Athene: Roleblocker. May PM us each night with a target to be blocked. May not block the same player on consecutive nights. Codeword: Beachfront.

Gonzo: The Changeling: Can choose any player to switch himself with for the night. Can only be used once in the game. Any night moves aimed at this player will befall the player he switched with, and vice-versa. This change only remains in effect for one night. Codeword: Springvale.

Each night, your team will be allowed to add points to vests. The amount of points you can give will be based on a preset amount plus a random amount (we roll a dice).

You may give all of your nightly points to any one player. If you choose to evenly split these points between two players, you may do so for a cost of one point.


A) Give all 7 points to Player X
B) Give 3 points to Player Y and 3 points to Player Z (only 6 points total).


Everyone has been given a "Codeword" to help them know how many points they have each morning. Breaking their codes may benefit your efforts.

As the badguy bank-robbers, you have found this list of codewords scribbled on a scap of paper in one of your vest's pockets. There are more codewords than there are vests . . . Good luck!

The List:


Night 1 PM:

You take out your cellphone and dial the only number on it: Sid, the guy who made the bomb vests.

Since you stole his vests, he has tracked you down and is fully aware of your circumstance.

He has offered you a deal. He will dig a tunnel for you and you will pay him 90% of the cash from the Bank. Your choice is either pay or die. You choose to pay.

You dial the only phone number on the cellphone you found in one of the vest's pockets.

"So, I see you picked up a couple of points today! That's no good. No good at all. I'm anxious to protect my investment, so I'll try to help you out. You guys tell me one of your Codewords, and I'll remotely set that vest back to one point. Of course, I can't do it now, but I should be able to get to it by Night 3. I need that Codeword before daybreak, though. Mhuhahahah!"


Tonight, you guys have 9 points to dole out. You can put all 9 on one player or split it 4+4 onto any two players.

Good luck!

Night 2 PM:

Your cellphone rings. It's Sid!

"Why, aren't you just the sneakiest bunch of thieves! Careful not to let the Springvale vest get too overloaded, its fuse was always a bit touchy, mwuahahaha!!!!

I'm just kidding! That vest will be clean as a whistle tomorrow night!

You know that there's some sort of tinkering going on with these vests. Unauthorized tinkering, that is. The Falconview vest was wiped clean last night. Half of those points ended up somewhere else, though. Tricky little buggers, these things are!

If you got some outsider hacking around with these codes, you better be careful!

Well, I got more digging to do, so I'll get back to work. Talk to you tomorrow!


(Scum was given 7 points to dole out on this night. This was told to them on the WB and does not appear in the PM - Zig)

Night 3 PM

You have 9 points to dole out. You may spend them all on one player or divide them equally (4+4) between any two players.

Gonzo has decided not to use his changeling ability tonight. He may change his mind if he likes.

Keep in mind, the player on your team who posts the final attack orders at night is considered to be the killer, unless you specify otherwise.

Your roleblocker is unaffected by the amount of points on her vest.

Your phone rings:

"Mwuhahah! It's Sid!!!

Don't you fret, my little thieves! The tunnel is coming along nicely and, as promised, the Springvale vest is going to be reset to 1 point before dawn. Unfortunately, the batteries in my code-transmitter are almost dead, so i wouldn't count on any more help from me with the points!!!

I just ran a scan of your hostage's names and I came up with something odd. One of them is a bomb expert, of sorts. I'm sure he's nowhere near as good as I am, mwuhahaha! Yup, he's an ex-marine.

He can disarm vests just like I can. But, unlike me, he pays a price when he does it. That marine training never bothered to teach them how to do it cleanly, like me! Mwuhahaha!!!!

Oh, and there's another guy . . . shady character . . . looks like he may be some sort of loony extremist. Jihad or some such shit. May want to watch out . . .

Well, I'm back to digging. I'll call you tomorrow. Hell, you might even hear me banging my pick-axe on the outside of the vault by then! Mwuhahahaha!!!!"

Night 4 PM:

You have 5 points to dole out tonight. You may spend them on one player or split them equally between any two players (2+2)

Gonzo has enacted his Changeling role and will switch places with Praying tonight, unless he changes his mind. This ability is a one-shot-deal and will be spent by this action.

Your cellphone rings:

"Can you hear me yet? Tink! Tink! Tink! 'S' for 'Speedy!' That's me! It's Sid! Mwuhahahah!

Only one of you is armed, eh? Very nice! We may yet be able to pull this off!

I'm gonna do a code-switch for you guys tonight. One Time Only! The Springvale Vest will swap codes with the vest that Gonzo has chosen.

I should be able to bust through in the next day or two, depending on how thick the vault's walls are. But be warned! If all three of your vests are armed, I won't come anywhere near you!



GM Note:

The real Key to this game was the Town Bomb Diffuser (Bolero) and how her moves turned out:
N1: Disarmed UT of 2 points (one of which landed back on Bolero).
N2: Tried to Diffuse Charlou, but Charlou was Self-Protecting herself (Doctor) and her points could not be altered).
N3: Tried to Diffuse Oblivion, but Bolero was Blocked by the Scum Roleblocker.

In my estimation, this role was key to Town's victory. Sadly, the points did not come off as the game had been designed. This was perhaps the thing that sunk Town the most.

Grats to the Scum team!

Diva, Gonzo, and Irre!!!!

There were only three of you, and you faced a very powerful Town team with 4 specials (Seer, Doctor, Diffuser, and Bomb).

The Seer Never found Scum.
The Bomb did not get to return any points back to Scum.
The Doctor prevented a Diffusing.
The Difuser only got to Diffuse one player of 2 points.

Kudos to the Scum team for managing to play a good clean game for an honorable win.


There were no penalties assessed against either team.

Any illusion that there had been penalties was strictly lies on my part to keep the game mechanics running smoothly.

Thanks to Denny! His ideas (one vote=one point, etc.) and general input and help made this prototype game much easier to design and run. Thanks, old friend!

And Thanks to all of you who played this test-game, endured all of the Shennanigans, and did your best. You all put forth a great deal of time and effort sorting vote-counts, cracking codes, and routing out scum.

DeanM and DennyB thank you all!!!
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Re: Timebomb Day 4

Post by Zigmen » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:46 pm

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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by oblivion » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:48 pm

congrats scum.

man I sucked at finding scum this game.

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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by Zigmen » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:48 pm


Gonzo Scum Changeling 1pt
Diva Scum Don 3pts
Praying Town 1 pt
Feck Town Seer 4pts
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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by DennyB » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:56 pm

GG all,
I thought town was going to pull this off but the specials kept missing or were blocked.
Some lucky/unlucky guesses depending on how you want to look at it.
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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by oblivion » Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:57 pm

we should have mass outed on day 4.

but I knew I'd never talk town into that, especially with some people hardly around at all.

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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by Zigmen » Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:09 pm

DennyB wrote:GG all,
I thought town was going to pull this off but the specials kept missing or were blocked.
Some lucky/unlucky guesses depending on how you want to look at it.
Yeah, my money was on Town after Day2. Bolero just couldn't catch a break!

I'm thinking that, if we try this type of design ever again, the points need to be more based on how they get added, and not so much how they can be subtracted . . .
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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by Feck » Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:32 pm

aaargh what a frustrating game . Thanks for all your hard work GMs ,sorry town
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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by Gonzo » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:49 pm

Awesome game, zig and denny. I had fun, everyone.

Meh first scum win! Thanks to diva and Athene and especially Irre who saved our asses. Good team. n.n
Don't go near that elevator - that's just what they want us to do... trap us in a steel box and take us down to the basement.

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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by Magicziggy » Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:18 pm

Cool. Good game.
Sorry UT. You can see we were both barking up the wrong tree.
Gonzo had me fooled completely.

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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by gib » Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:45 pm

fuck sorry i missed the last day guys

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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by irretating » Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:58 pm

Woot! Evil always wins out in the end :smug:

Oblivion, you let Diva off the hook when she let slip they she knew that both you and UT's points went up night 2!! We thought she was a goner.

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Re: Timebomb Finale

Post by praying » Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:23 pm

thanks dean good game interesting design, I think it was stacked in scum's favor but grats to them! I was totally off.

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