Inappropriate Elimination

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Re: Inappropriate Elimination

Post by maiforpeace » Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:48 am

Cwazy Cat Lady wrote:
maiforpeace wrote:
I have zero problems with Ashley and Sashi. And, I have always wondered why Ashley is so attracted to my suitcase when I am packing. I'm pleased to know that not packing one half and leaving it for Ashley to sleep in the night before I leave helps her deal with our leaving. I have a great sitter for them when I am gone, nontheless I still feel really guilty leaving them alone.
Well, they sure are cute! I can see you 'prepared' the brown bag just for the cats!
You noticed! What you can't see is it's a tunnel, I cut the bottom out of the bag and rolled that end too. I got one of those crinkly tunnely cat toy things, but they don't do it for Ashley. Only paper will do.
Cwazy Cat Lady wrote:I have one kitty, too, who has peed while I was away (last September in Munich)... I knew as soon as I walked in the door. That smell! :doh: but she's my baby and because she fights with my other females, she has limited access to the rest of the house. I know it sounds awful, but our time together each day is the highlight of her day, so if I am gone... she really notices...
Awww. The sweet little critter. It doesn't sound awful, it sounds sad. Why does she not get along with your other cats? What is her name, and your other kitties names? Do you have pictures?

I'm happy my two cats get along with eachother and my two dogs get along with eachother. Now, if my two cats AND my two dogs got along with eachother that would be fabulous! :clap:
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Re: Inappropriate Elimination

Post by lordpasternack » Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:04 pm

Then they for sudden joy did weep,
And I for sorrow sung,
That such a king should play bo-peep,
And go the fools among.
Prithee, nuncle, keep a schoolmaster that can teach
thy fool to lie: I would fain learn to lie.

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Re: Inappropriate Elimination

Post by Horwood Beer-Master » Wed May 30, 2012 1:54 pm


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Re: Inappropriate Elimination

Post by Horwood Beer-Master » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:46 am


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