Creationist Sympathises with Dawkins – what Ken Ham thinks

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Chris Wilkins
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Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:54 am

Creationist Sympathises with Dawkins – what Ken Ham thinks

Post by Chris Wilkins » Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:39 am

But first a story.

I was minding my own business a few days ago when I noticed a good friend of mine was still on the internet at six in the morning his time. We live in different time zones. I asked him what the hell he was doing up so late. He told me he was trying to download stuff from a forum that was being shut down.

At this time I knew nothing about the Richard Dawkins Forum. Anyway, being the news beagle I am (the thread “news coverage” shows a lot of this) I got stuck in to find out the facts, especially when he told me it was the same Richard Dawkins of international fame.

So, I found out all sorts of things, wrote up a blog piece about it which is totally accurate, and thought this would be good in the main stream media. I contacted several national newspapers in the UK. And, bless my soul, one of them expressed interest.

At this time RD had not published his response and so my article did not include it or mention the abuse. I continued to make tons of calls and started to get somewhere.

Anyway, the Times expressed more interest. Then RD posted his thing. I copied out some choice quotes and emailed it to them.

Many of you here have complained the papers got the chronology wrong. They did because they never bothered to read my first news-breaking article, nor did they check with me if they had it right. What can I say?

Then off it ran. The Guardian, the Telegraph, blogs, etc. It even got into the Times print edition, so I believe. And you all charged off to their blogs and commented away like crazy.

On that note, I haven’t seen the print edition article (I don’t live in the UK). It would be great if someone could scan it and post it somewhere.

And, sniff, along the way my very own article has been forgotten, an orphan looking for its mum, with only one comment. And that was only because the same close friend who told me about this went and checked it out.

I want to state publicly that, to the best of my knowledge, I am the ONLY journalist reporting this story. Not the Times, not the Guardian, none of them. And I am almost certain that the print edition article has no mention of my name. Sniff.

So, and here’s the good bit; I interviewed Ken Ham for one hour. I did this because this is what a good journalist does; he tracks down people and gets different view points. And I have to say it was truly interesting and fascinating to hear his thoughts on this event. I’ve nearly finished the article and I believe it is a damn good read. And it's not what, I suspect, a lot of you think it is.

BUT my original article is still sad and lonely.

So, here is how this is going to go. I do not want to hand this over to the Times who might give me a kick up the bum, if I’m lucky. I want to put it on my little blog site and keep it as an exclusive because it took a ton of work to do.

And I am only going to do that when a whole bunch of you go and read the article that started this whole thing and stick a comment on my blog. So there. Naaaahhhh.

It’s at

I will let you know the site uses a new technology called “how to stop a blogger from starving”. This means you will have to register with the site and register with a thing called “Fraxion Payments” in order to see the article. Which is no big deal as everyone has to register for forums anyway.

The cost of the article will be 1c. But don’t scream. When you sign up you get 5c free. So your wallet won’t be broken.

And when the comments section is looking fat and healthy, and my article is no longer an orphan, I will put up the article about Ken Ham at the staggering price of 2c.

Leaving you with the grand sum of 2c. What a bargain.

I can promise you it will be worth it. As I said, the interview with Ken Ham, I think, will totally surprise most of you.

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