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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Fallible » Tue May 13, 2014 10:59 am

And just in case that was too subtle, he's ensured we're all aware that he is willing to go to the mattress on this.
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by pErvinalia » Tue May 13, 2014 11:00 am


Anyone got a sock created already that I can use to check em out? I couldn't be bothered creating a new sock.
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Fallible » Tue May 13, 2014 11:01 am

Sorry, I can't condone that kind of reprehensible behaviour. Will a copy and paste do?
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by pErvinalia » Tue May 13, 2014 11:05 am

Fuck yeah! :{D
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Pensioner » Tue May 13, 2014 11:17 am

Fallible wrote:
Seth wrote:
Fallible wrote: "And I'm gonna cwy and cwy and cwy about those nasty peoples and tew fibs about what hapened and call them names cos I'm still all cwoss years later!!" :grr:
Who, me? Nah, I just like insulting them knowing there's not a fucking thing they can do about it.
Oooo what a big bwave man you are! Saying nasty wude words about people! What in the name of fuck do you think they want to "do about it"? Say nasty wude words back?? Well then all I can say is well done you! You're really showing those people who are completely unaware of you slagging them off!
They are the ones who rant and rave about me years after the fact.
Daphne love, you've just been ranting and raving about them years after the fact in this very thread, nicely displaying your big red baboon's arse to the lovely people here. You're so consumed by having been given the boot from a fucking internet forum that most people have never even fucking heard of that years later someone only has to say something negative about them and you're right there, like a fly on shit, regurgitating all over the place and making that irritating buzzing noise you love to make.
:funny: Fucking brilliant post.
“I wish no harm to any human being, but I, as one man, am going to exercise my freedom of speech. No human being on the face of the earth, no government is going to take from me my right to speak, my right to protest against wrong, my right to do everything that is for the benefit of mankind. I am not here, then, as the accused; I am here as the accuser of capitalism dripping with blood from head to foot.”

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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Fallible » Tue May 13, 2014 11:35 am

theropod wrote:Cue more bitching and moaning, but do so from behind the false veil of a desire to see ratskep become a better forum. Are we done kidding ourselves here yet? It's perfectly transparent that these former mods that start these fucking endless feedback threads have an axe to grind. At least have the personal honesty to fess up.

If you don't like the way things are going here hit the god damned road. Y'all had your chance to remain mods and work to make changes you felt needed making, but instead you resigned. Nobody made you do so.

No response from the mod team is ever good enough and no explanation will suffice. The horrors of the moderation have no limit, and this could be so much a better forum if the mod team would just fall in line and behave like they are supposed to. Right?

Frankly, I'm as sick of this shit as I can get and I call for a moderation team review of the need for this forum to keep members that have such bullshit reasons for starting endless feedback threads and questioning every moderation move. This isn't a fucking democracy, and if the mod team wants to ban some folks for just not getting the message I see no issue there. In fact I think it's far past time for some of you to get your ass outta here and never come back. If that takes banning some of you, oh fucking well. If this shit isn't trolling there isn't such a thing.

If this forum is such a shithole, and the mod team all all such twats, I suggest you go fuck with another forum. Call it what ever you want, but it's more than clear than none of you have any desire to improve things here in any way. It's become of a game of gotcha and pure sophomoric bile writ large. I think your intent is to drag the forum down because you feel slighted because nobody is kissing that ass with enough passion.

Go ahead, spew all the bullshit you can to explain how very wrong I am, along with anyone else that doesn't agree that the forum is going to hell without your superior insight. Frankly, I've about had it with the childish and petty crap that is detracting from the forum far more than any ruling the mod team might make, haven't made or may have made. You're all being little whiny bitches and I wish the fuck you'd leave of your own free will and grow the fuck up. Failing that I want the moderation team to ban your asses for being total twats.

Go ahead report me.

theropod wrote:Fuck off the lot of you, Not a joke. Fuck you Mr. Samsa, Stijn, and Fallible. Y'all can suck my dick. Is that inflammatory enough to satisfy your fucking trolling? You wanted it, you got it. I officially DEMAND to get a warning for this and my earlier post. If nothing else this will establish that your accusations of favoritism are as full of shit as the rest of your motherfucking lies. You little fucks get this one victory as I can now never be a mod again. Great work at being uber trolls. I do this knowing that to express my utter contempt will have consequences, but you won't hear me bitch like a little girl about it.

I'm asking for you all to be banned because you have become nothing but trolling assholes just like 'Clast. Trolls have been summarily banned before, and it's high time the same happen here.

I asked when y'all resigned what was up and apparently you lied your asses off then, as the story now seems to be completely different. Way to present a consistent stream of lies. When I am lied to it generally pisses me off, and I can cite the lies as those PM's have not been removed from my in box. At this point I don't give a fuck about earning a warning for revealing those either. Do I really need to do that, or can y'all muster the personal honor to admit this is nothing more than a witch hunt based on your hurt little fee fees? Do you guys want me to share those PM's, or shall you back the fuck off? I'm willing to go to the mattresses on this one boys and girls, are you? Do you really want your lies shown for all the forum to see?

I closed my previous post with the invitation for you to report my post. I intended to piss you off. This is a clear personal attack against the lot of you as individuals. I think you're little shits that can't have things the way you want so you are intentionally fucking up the forum for all the rest of us that actually do give a shit.

Baffling, Fallible? Really? I've invested a little of myself here too, and if the way y'all are behaving isn't reason enough to display utter contempt for the actions you've taken over the past few months there is none. Don't ever expect any quarter on any subject after this.

Oh, why don't I leave? I'm the very first person to sign up for membership here. I've earned my place and the right to call y'all on your bullshit even if it earns me my first warning. So, you "win" but I get to tell each of you just how fucking little I give a fuck about you as people because you are nothing but little shits unable to grow up and admit that you're too fucking spoiled to take no for an answer.


Weaver wrote:Fuck off.

I used PMs just like every other single person in the forum uses them - to vent privately. I made a mistake and made what was intended to be private visible to all - don't fool yourself into thinking that I am any more or less proper than anyone else on this forum.

If we're going to talk about private discussions, shall we get into what used to be discussed in private in Modtopia? Seems to me that everyone there was able to express privately held opinions - quite often less than flattering - about everyone. And that you were far from lily-white innocent in the game.

I repeat, in case you didn't get it the first time - fuck off. And no, this isn't the British-centric usage that lets Brits insult Yanks without sanction - this is the American meaning.

Fuck off.
Weaver wrote:And No, Theropod isn't the troll - he's just gotten frustrated to the point of blowing his top.

The trolls are well known, and they know damn well they're doing it - that's why they coordinate their actions on other websites, and rile each other up and egg each other on.

Calling a spade a fucking shovel isn't being a troll.
Ah yes, coordinating our actions on other websites. I won't hold my breath until he shows us where this happened.
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by pErvinalia » Tue May 13, 2014 12:21 pm


God I'm sad I can't watch this live. :hehe:

Did both of them get warnings? I assume Weaver won't, as he's been allowed to abuse people in the past without warning. Is he still a mod?
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Fallible » Tue May 13, 2014 12:49 pm

He's not, no. Dunno what will happen - the thread's been locked while they look at multiple reports.
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Scott1328 » Tue May 13, 2014 1:19 pm

That fucking Scot Dutchy has been a factor in just about all the drama this last year.

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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by FBM » Tue May 13, 2014 1:32 pm

Pensioner wrote:
Fallible wrote:
Seth wrote:
Fallible wrote: "And I'm gonna cwy and cwy and cwy about those nasty peoples and tew fibs about what hapened and call them names cos I'm still all cwoss years later!!" :grr:
Who, me? Nah, I just like insulting them knowing there's not a fucking thing they can do about it.
Oooo what a big bwave man you are! Saying nasty wude words about people! What in the name of fuck do you think they want to "do about it"? Say nasty wude words back?? Well then all I can say is well done you! You're really showing those people who are completely unaware of you slagging them off!
They are the ones who rant and rave about me years after the fact.
Daphne love, you've just been ranting and raving about them years after the fact in this very thread, nicely displaying your big red baboon's arse to the lovely people here. You're so consumed by having been given the boot from a fucking internet forum that most people have never even fucking heard of that years later someone only has to say something negative about them and you're right there, like a fly on shit, regurgitating all over the place and making that irritating buzzing noise you love to make.
:funny: Fucking brilliant post.
:lol: I'm coming to appreciate Fallible as a full-out artist, I am.

Edit: And that's despite not really knowing what's going on, plus not getting the "Daphne" reference.
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Fallible » Tue May 13, 2014 1:50 pm

Sorry, I have a habit of calling people by girls' names whether they're girls or not. It amuses me. Ask Jennifer.

And yes, even with the latest Feedback dramaz, ratskep would be a relative haven of campfire-sitting, guitar-strumming, hand-holding kum-by-yahing bonhomie without Scot Dutchy. Imagine how boring!!
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Fallible » Tue May 13, 2014 1:52 pm

Scott1328 wrote:That fucking Scot Dutchy has been a factor in just about all the drama this last year.
You cracked me up in that Feedback thread, by the way - after theropod posted the last of his rants, Scott1328 comes in with "Okay...so that happened..." :funny: then valiantly tries to get everyone back on topic.
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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by FBM » Tue May 13, 2014 1:55 pm

Fallible wrote:Sorry, I have a habit of calling people by girls' names whether they're girls or not. It amuses me. Ask Jennifer.
Thanks for clarifying that, Steve.
And yes, even with the latest Feedback dramaz, ratskep would be a relative haven of campfire-sitting, guitar-strumming, hand-holding kum-by-yahing bonhomie without Scot Dutchy. Imagine how boring!!
Pretty much all I do over there is post self-taken photos of wildlife and drop a pearl of wisdom into a philosophy thread from time to time, so to me reading that last part was equivalent to "blah blah Ginger blah blah." :biggrin:
"A philosopher is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there. A theologian is the man who finds it." ~ H. L. Mencken

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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by Scott1328 » Tue May 13, 2014 2:50 pm

Fallible wrote:
Scott1328 wrote:That fucking Scot Dutchy has been a factor in just about all the drama this last year.
You cracked me up in that Feedback thread, by the way - after theropod posted the last of his rants, Scott1328 comes in with "Okay...so that happened..." :funny: then valiantly tries to get everyone back on topic.
Didn't do much good, though :x

Lord knows, I am not Mr. Samsa's bestest fan, but it gripes me when legitimate complaints are dismissed out of hand based on who made the complaint.

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Re: Rationalskepiticism,lol.

Post by HomerJay » Tue May 13, 2014 3:01 pm

Things in this whole dismal saga ( and it's been going on for a fucking long time)

took a much more sinister and creepy turn a few weeks ago when stijndeloose, trying to show that the ex-mods were getting favours, revealed that he has been keep a log of users and incidents over there (you get the sense he reports a lot of posts):
Some of those by MoS were fairly clear. That's quite likely, and I didn't mean to target MoS or anything (just happened to have that list near at hand).
Who the fuck keeps lists? Who the fuck keeps those lists 'near at hand' ready in case they're needed?

It's a very creepy case of SIWOTI.

The constantly trolling from Mr Samsa was something I think a lot of people hoped would stop when he was given a decent suspension but he came back with it in his mouth and hasn't let go. It was certainly a better place without him.

Even Fallible stopped her very ugly and very personal abuse of Thwoth for a while when Samsa was off but she's back up and running now.

I think there's a good case here for a rule about not trolling other boards, like they have at ratskep (which probably came in under their watch) and then just banning them.


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