Personality problems I've overcome (Things I didn't like about myself and changed):
*Resentment towards authority figures
*Cynical judgement of others with regards to their motives
*Conviction of inferiority
*Conviction of superiority
*Callous disregard for life
*Compulsion to be liked, accepted, 'cool'
*Belief in imaginary friends, creator
...and probably more.
Personality problems yet to be overcome (Things I don't enjoy about myself and are currently being addressed):
*A disconnected sense of humor that annoys more often than it amuses
*Laziness with regards to almost anything other than thinking
*Perfectionism (I changed that word from 'perfectionism' to 'perfectionist' and back again so that it would be consistent with the other items in the lists. It has now been 5 minutes since I first typed 'perfectionism' because I thought about this sentence so long and I'm just now finishing this parenthetical remark.

*Habitual behaviors left over from when I actually thought that there was something to be gained or lost in the process of this existence
Indecisiveness. I think. Well, not really. Oh, OK, indecisiveness. (subject to revision)(Don't hold me to that.)
*Compulsion to double and triple check every petty thing I write for grammars, spelng and punctuation, error's
Ah, wait. I'd better go back and put asterisks in front of the main points so they're easier to pick out...

"A philosopher is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there. A theologian is the man who finds it." ~ H. L. Mencken
"We ain't a sharp species. We kill each other over arguments about what happens when you die, then fail to see the fucking irony in that."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion."