The Last of Us.

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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by JacksSmirkingRevenge » Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:36 pm

Good shit.
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by Azathoth » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:48 am

Fucking clickers. They can fuck the fucking fuck off
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by Animavore » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:29 am

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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by Azathoth » Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:45 pm

nailbombs and molotovs, fuck you clicky cunts
Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.

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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by tattuchu » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:45 am

So is the girl modeled after/voiced by Ellen Paige? Sure seems that way. Anyhow, the beginning of the game, with the father and daughter in their house, was fucking amazing. Really made you feel for the characters. Now I'm at the bit where I'm escorting Ellen Paige. Nothing much is really happening yet. No zombies to speak of. And it's frustrating that my character walks so goddamn fucking slow. Even when he runs he's fucking slow.
I just shut the game off for the night. I was getting pissed off. I don't get mad anymore when that happens. I just shut the game off and take a break. The thing that was pissing me off was that I was surrounded by cops. I was meant to distract them so I could sneak by, so I threw a brick. They all said, "What was that?" But it didn't seem like they went to investigate or anything because when I tried to sneak by, they shot me all up.
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by Xamonas Chegwé » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:51 am

tattuchu wrote:So is the girl modeled after/voiced by Ellen Paige? Sure seems that way. Anyhow, the beginning of the game, with the father and daughter in their house, was fucking amazing. Really made you feel for the characters. Now I'm at the bit where I'm escorting Ellen Paige. Nothing much is really happening yet. No zombies to speak of. And it's frustrating that my character walks so goddamn fucking slow. Even when he runs he's fucking slow.
I just shut the game off for the night. I was getting pissed off. I don't get mad anymore when that happens. I just shut the game off and take a break. The thing that was pissing me off was that I was surrounded by cops. I was meant to distract them so I could sneak by, so I threw a brick. They all said, "What was that?" But it didn't seem like they went to investigate or anything because when I tried to sneak by, they shot me all up.
Can you leave a doughnut somewhere close? That should work. :tea:
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by tattuchu » Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:01 am

Xamonas Chegwé wrote:
tattuchu wrote:So is the girl modeled after/voiced by Ellen Paige? Sure seems that way. Anyhow, the beginning of the game, with the father and daughter in their house, was fucking amazing. Really made you feel for the characters. Now I'm at the bit where I'm escorting Ellen Paige. Nothing much is really happening yet. No zombies to speak of. And it's frustrating that my character walks so goddamn fucking slow. Even when he runs he's fucking slow.
I just shut the game off for the night. I was getting pissed off. I don't get mad anymore when that happens. I just shut the game off and take a break. The thing that was pissing me off was that I was surrounded by cops. I was meant to distract them so I could sneak by, so I threw a brick. They all said, "What was that?" But it didn't seem like they went to investigate or anything because when I tried to sneak by, they shot me all up.
Can you leave a doughnut somewhere close? That should work. :tea:
Sadly, that wasn't an option in the game :hehe:
I did get past that part but still had a hell of a lot of trouble. This game pisses me off because it doesn't seem to follow its own rules. I'm meant to distract the cops by throwing a bottle, so I throw a bottle and nothing happens, nothing at all. Also the controls don't cooperate. I'm hiding behind something, for instance, and try to throw a bottle to "distract" the cops. Like that could happen. Anyway, I'm crouching and I aim the bottle either off to to the side or over the thing I'm hiding behind or whatever, and the little target graphic shows that I'm throwing well clear of this thing I'm behind. But you know what happens. What happens is that even I'm aiming several feet above the obstruction, it hits it anyway. Every time. If I'm trying to throw a bottle through an open window, and I aim right smack dab through the center of the window? Yup. It hits the wall.

I'm well past that part now, but there's still things that annoy me. Fighting, for instance. It takes so long to draw, aim, and fire a weapon that weapons are often useless. When I first got the shotgun, I thought I'd be invincible. Or at least not so helpless. But the enemies are many times on me before I can actually shoot them. And even if I do manage to draw on them well enough in advance, it takes ten shots at point blank range to kill them :ddpan:
And then my character is so goddamn slow and moves like a retard :ddpan:
I'm constantly getting attacked by enemies I can't see :ddpan:
I can only use a lead pipe for a couple whacks before it "breaks" and is discarded :ddpan:
Elle keeps getting in my fucking way :ddpan:
I keep running out of ammo :ddpan:
I'm being attacked by enemies now that are practically invincible :ddpan:

Yeah, I'm up against this big bloated fully infected motherfucker. Second time I've faced one of these assholes. The first time was in a big room, so at least I could move around a bit. This time I'm in a confined space, I can't move around for shit, it's dark so I can't see shit, and I'm getting attacked by some heinous bitch, followed by big fat spore boy. By the time I kill heinous bitch, spore boy is on me. If he touches me, I'm dead. If he throws his little spore balls at me, as likes to do, my health plummets. I have little health and little ammo, he's all over me, there's nowhere to go, and he's impossible to kill :ddpan:

Losing patience now :ddpan:

At least the game is getting a little more interesting now. Great characters, great story, funny dialogue. Great graphics and amazing environments. And I really like Ellen Page, or Elle I should say. She does get in my way sometimes but I still like her. She's funny and makes me laugh. Why I don't give her a gun, though, I don't know. She keeps asking for one but no one gives her one. Doesn't make much sense.
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by Animavore » Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:05 am

:funny: The game's story makes up for all its miscomings.
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by tattuchu » Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:10 am

Oh, the other thing that pisses me off is that I can't backtrack. Sometimes I want to search a room or a stairwell or whatever, then I go through a particular door...and then I can never go back through that door :ddpan: And there's no way to tell when this is going to happen. So you just better hope to Christ you did all you could do before by happenstance you should go through the mystery door.
This one time, for instance, I got a safe combination. Sweet! Only I never came across the safe, and there was no way possible to go back and look for it :ddpan:
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by tattuchu » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:36 pm

Is there a subtitle option? The characters mumble and I can't fucking hear them :ddpan:
Also I keep getting attacked by enemies I can't see because sometimes my character's "spidey-sense" works and sometimes it doesn't :ddpan:

Anyway, I got past sporeboy #2 but I had to consult a walkthrough to do it, which I hate. Walkthrough said to use the key card to lock him in the laundry room. Okay, I missed the room the key card was in. Found it. Check. Only one problem: Locking him in the laundry room? That's bullshit. You can do no such thing :ddpan: In desperation, I ended up using several smoke bombs and ran like hell. It worked :shock: Good thing I had smoke bombs. If I didn't, I'd've been fucked :ddpan:
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by Cormac » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:35 pm

Rum wrote:
Audley Strange wrote:No they can't stop people making games for PC's, not at all, but they can develop (and by all intents, intend to) operating systems which are not tailored to support games, which means that it might make it more and more inconvenient to play games on a PC. The way things are looking at the moment with tablets, phones etc, it seems to me that with the new wave of consoles the idea is to try and move away from people in their homes even having PC's.

Seems like a tactical move by big business concerns, adapt the hardware, control the software.

Sadly I suspect you are right. I have played PC games for the last 20 years and it is a big hobby for me. Now that I am retired even more so (though I hasten to add I don't play games all day!). Less and less space in stores at least has been dedicated to them on the shelves over the last five years or so and although there has been a move towards downloading via the likes of Steam, it seems clear to me that the hardware industry have an eye on carving the whole thing up.

Perhaps in response to that Steam (and I believe others) are working on Linux based platforms. I'm looking forward to what they come up with.
I hate that Steam model.

I want to buy the game and be able to play it regardless of whether or not I'm connected to the internet!

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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by tattuchu » Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:17 am

I'm almost at the bridge. Have you seen the bridge? Where's that confounded bridge?
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by tattuchu » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:55 pm

I was up until four-thirty AM playing this game. I started out, when I started out, really caring about these characters. Then I did a lot of walking, got bored, nothing was happening, and I didn't give two shits about the characters. Part of the problem there was that I couldn't hear what the characters were saying because I had the volume turned down so as not to disturb my neighbors. So I didn't even realize anyone was talking. Now I have the volume way up, and when that music plays that lets me know there's upcoming action, I turn it back down. So because of this, and because so much is happening now, and because shit's got really real, I'm back to really caring about the characters and what's going on.
Despite my annoyances with technical aspects of the game, I don't think I've ever had such an immersive experience in a video game. The environments are so real, and so beautifully realized. The level of detail in each, well, level, is astonishing. The voice acting is the best I've ever heard in a game. The way the characters move, their body language, is very effective. The dialogue is amazing, not annoying and a chore to wade through like so many games. And the story. There actually is one, for starters. A real one. That's interesting. You feel like you're in a movie. More than that, you feel like it's real, like you're there. There are plenty of cutscenes but they're not too terribly long and they're never obtrusive. You hardly notice you've entered a cutscene when you've entered a cutscene because the progression is so natural. And there's never any annoyance, like you just want the goddamn cutscenes to end and goddammit-which-fucking-button-do-I-press-to-skip-this-fucking-thing, like so many games. Here, I actually look forward to them.

Funny thing. Early in the game, I was frustrated that all I was doing was walking and that there was nothing really happening. It was all just walking from point A to point B, and I wanted to see some action. Well I've seen plenty of action, and now I kinda want to just walk again, take in the scenery, enjoy the atmosphere of the game.
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by tattuchu » Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:59 am

Uh...the ending. WTF, Joel? :what:
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Re: The Last of Us.

Post by JacksSmirkingRevenge » Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:02 am

tattuchu wrote:Uh...the ending. WTF, Joel? :what:
That ending smelled of 'sequel' to me.

Good game, innit? :)
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