We buy them annually as that is the cheapest per book.
We have 469 titles already
We are most likely buying the 3 x LOTR titles today once I run the narrator by partner.
Leaves a dozen to go.....longer is better - throw in your fav book ever

Likes are - and I try for books that are knock outs...not run of the mill when paying for audio books
These are not in any order of importance
Top end popular science books like Song of the Dodo, Beak of the Finch
Science fiction books. Ideally series. Peter Hamilton, Bujold, The Expanse etc, - not too old tho ie Foundation is too dated.
Fantasy series and YA is fine but needs to have wowed you - King Killer Chronicles if he ever finishes the fucking third one

Scandanavian Noir - Dragon Tattoo series, Smillas Sense of Snow.
Biography.......Truman was incredible, so was Spirit of St Lous
True History and Adventure - like Into Thin Air and other climbing books that are factual and exciting.
I'll accept top end series like the 21 book Master and Commander series by Patrick O'Brian that are based on actual history but with fictional characters.
I guess they are my fall back as have not read in a while and listening would be a treat and cut into next years credits.
Even if I don't grab on audio books .....I might want on eBook so fire away with ideas.

I buy Chirp daily deals when they come by and I'm interested - https://www.chirpbooks.com - I have 59 of these.
Quite a few unread but the books on Audible or Chirp do not expire.