Racialism in the new Warcraft movie?

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Racialism in the new Warcraft movie?

Post by cronus » Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:31 pm

http://www.theportlygazelle.com/2016/06 ... ck-people/

The Warcraft Movie Is Racist – The Horde Represents Black People

I really hate to do this again. I hate to be the one who has to call out the sexist, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic and rape-culture-celebrating filth that Hollywood is pumping out these days – but if no one else has the guts tackle the Patriarchy head on, I guess it falls on me, Cassidy Boon, to do so.

This one is particularly bad, like it’s not even funny how problematic this movie is – because on top of being a movie that mindlessly celebrates violence and the objectification of women, it’s also based on a VIDEO GAME. That’s right, this isn’t just your regular shitty frat boy flick, this movie combines all the shitiness of douchebags who like war-movies with all the shitiness of GAMERS and NERDS!!! As we all know, gamers are cheeto-covered, stretchmark-fraught, Heffalumps who dwell in their mothers basement and write hate comments about women and kill women in video games – and apparently, this movie is based on one of the Holy Grails in their community – a game called World of Warcraft, abbreviated WOW (but I can assure you, there’s nothing WOW about it)(apart from it being racist and sexist ofc).

This game, which came out like ten years ago, has had young, privileged white nerd-men hooked for their entire lives and has injected in them a deep sense of hatred for women and a complete detestation of transfolk and their issues. The game glorifies violence by white soldiers against what are called other “races”. You gain so called “XP points” and “Level up” by killing as many of the other races as possible, especially if they’re brown or black. It is apparent that this is just a thinly veiled sort of digital Holocaust against anyone who is not a White Male from a middle class household who likes Trump – or whatever the wanna-be president is called in Wow. Okay, but does this nazism and sexism necessarily carry over to the shitty movie? YES. YES. IT. DOES. Ok before anything else, I just have to point out that like the main protagonanist is the guy from Vikings. So yeah, like right off the bat the movie supports rape culture because that’s literally all the Vikings did: RAPE! They literally made made him the main character to make female and trans moviegoers feel unsafe and triggers.

(continued, it was a bit one sided in the battles....and the bad guys were ugly, but a bit racially profiled as well...there was some token inter-mixing but basically, very racialist...in subtext. Still a reasonably good fantasy adventure movie though...became a bit tedious with magic being a get out clause for every dilemma the characters faced.) :tup:
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