Gay cake row

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Gay cake row

Post by JimC » Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:29 am

This takes the cake: ... n/10363112
The United Kingdom's highest court has ruled in favour of a Belfast bakery at the centre of a long-running legal stoush that's been dubbed locally as the "gay cake" case.

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled the Christian owners of Ashers Baking co were not obliged by law to make a cake featuring the words "Support Gay Marriage".

The dispute began in 2014 when Gareth Lee, a gay rights activist who supports the campaign to legalise same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, placed his order.

After the bakery told him the cake would not be made, Mr Lee successfully sued for discrimination in Belfast and won a subsequent court of appeal ruling.

Ashers argued it had only objected to the message on the cake because it was "inconsistent" with the company's religious views.

It claimed it would have refused the same order from a heterosexual client.

The president of the Supreme Court, Lady Hale, agreed with that argument and found the bakery did not refuse to fulfil the order because of Mr Lee's sexual orientation.

"They would have refused to make a cake for any customer," she said.
"Nobody should be forced to have or express a political opinion in which he does not believe."

"This conclusion is not in any way to diminish the need to protect gay people and people who support gay marriage from discrimination."
Well, in this case, I think the court was right, and that the decision is common sense rather than a blow to gay rights. What do others think?
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Re: Gay cake row

Post by pErvinalia » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:03 am

I agree. In a perfect world bigots wouldn't be bigots and would serve in this situation. But thankfully there's probably lots of non-bigots who can provide the missing services. This will only increase with time as all the conservative fuckwads die out and take their conservative genes with them.
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Re: Gay cake row

Post by laklak » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:05 am

He he he he he
He said "blow"
He he he he he
Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Gay cake row

Post by JimC » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:16 am

"Blow The Man Down"

Come all ye young fellows that follow the sea
To me weigh hey blow the man down
And pray pay attention and listen to me
Give me some time to blow the man down

I'm a deep water sailor just in from Hong Kong
To me weigh hey blow the man down
If you'll give me some rum I'll sing you a song
Give me some time to blow the man down

T'was on a Black Baller I first spent my time
To me weigh hey blow the man down
And on that Black Baller I wasted my prime
Give me some time to blow the man down

T'is when a Black Baller's preparing for sea
To me weigh hey blow the man down
You'd split your sides laughing at the sights that you see
Give me some time to blow the man down

With the tinkers and tailors and soldiers and all
To me weigh hey blow the man down
That ship for prime seamen onboard a Black Ball
Give me some time to blow the man down

T'is when a Black Baller is clear of the land
To me weigh hey blow the man down
Our boatswain then gives us the word of command
Give me some time to blow the man down

Lay aft is the cry to the break of the poop
To me weigh hey blow the man down
Or I'll help you along with the toe of my boot
Give me some time to blow the man down

T'is larboard and starboard on the deck you will sprawl
To me weigh hey blow the man down
For Kicking Jack Williams commands the Black Ball
Give me some time to blow the man down

Aye first it's a fist and then it's a pall
To me weigh hey blow the man down
When you ship as a sailor aboard the Black Ball
Give me some time to blow the man down
Blow the man down blow the man down
Give me some time to blow the man down
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Re: Gay cake row

Post by rainbow » Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:13 am

JimC wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:29 am
Well, in this case, I think the court was right, and that the decision is common sense rather than a blow to gay rights. What do others think?
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Re: Gay cake row

Post by Hermit » Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:12 am

rainbow wrote:
Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:13 am
JimC wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:29 am
Well, in this case, I think the court was right, and that the decision is common sense rather than a blow to gay rights. What do others think?
...meanwhile 5000 people in Indonesia are missing presumed dead.
Yeah, well, point taken. First world problems. Richard Dawkins made the same argument a few years ago. "Dear Muslima"
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Re: Gay cake row

Post by Brian Peacock » Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:25 am

JimC wrote:"Blow The Man Down"

Come all ye young fellows that follow the sea
To me weigh hey blow the man down
And pray pay attention and listen to me
Give me some time to blow the man down

I'm a deep water sailor just in from Hong Kong
To me weigh hey blow the man down
If you'll give me some rum I'll sing you a song
Give me some time to blow the man down

T'was on a Black Baller I first spent my time
To me weigh hey blow the man down
And on that Black Baller I wasted my prime
Give me some time to blow the man down

T'is when a Black Baller's preparing for sea
To me weigh hey blow the man down
You'd split your sides laughing at the sights that you see
Give me some time to blow the man down

With the tinkers and tailors and soldiers and all
To me weigh hey blow the man down
That ship for prime seamen onboard a Black Ball
Give me some time to blow the man down

T'is when a Black Baller is clear of the land
To me weigh hey blow the man down
Our boatswain then gives us the word of command
Give me some time to blow the man down

Lay aft is the cry to the break of the poop
To me weigh hey blow the man down
Or I'll help you along with the toe of my boot
Give me some time to blow the man down

T'is larboard and starboard on the deck you will sprawl
To me weigh hey blow the man down
For Kicking Jack Williams commands the Black Ball
Give me some time to blow the man down

Aye first it's a fist and then it's a pall
To me weigh hey blow the man down
When you ship as a sailor aboard the Black Ball
Give me some time to blow the man down
Blow the man down blow the man down
Give me some time to blow the man down

Gosh, what an appalling rendition.
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Re: Gay cake row

Post by Jason » Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:46 pm

rainbow wrote:
Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:13 am
JimC wrote:
Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:29 am
Well, in this case, I think the court was right, and that the decision is common sense rather than a blow to gay rights. What do others think?
...meanwhile 5000 people in Indonesia are missing presumed dead.
It's the end times, no doubt. :tea:

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