"Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by Galaxian » Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:39 pm

L'Emmerdeur wrote:I've looked for a thread like this here, and failed to find it. If there is one, please merge.
Here's a good example of the ignorance of white supremacists:
"Alt-right commentator claims Romans weren't ethnically diverse, gets owned by actual historian"
If you're going to pick a fight with someone over ancient Roman facts, arguing with a historian is probably not the best course of action.
Infowars editor at large and right-wing YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson recently tweeted an insinuation that Roman Britain wasn’t ethnically diverse.
A bit of a bizarre claim to make out of the blue, but the reason for his outage stemmed from a five-and-a-half minute BBC educational YouTube video on what life was like in Roman Britain.
  • Thank God the BBC is portraying Roman Britain as ethnically diverse.
    I mean, who cares about historical accuracy, right? pic.twitter.com/SqE83Pmf2h
    — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) July 25, 2017
The video, aimed at supporting teachers, is suitable for 7 to 11 year-olds and details what life was like for a typical family during the Roman period.
The cartoon that accompanies the video features everything from gladiator battles, the purpose of Hadrian's wall and the religious make up of Roman society.
It also features a series of ethnically diverse characters, which is what appeared to anger the Infowars host, who implied that the BBC didn't care about 'historical accuracy'.
It was following these claims of historical inaccuracy that historian Mike Stuchbery stepped in.
In a series of hugely informative tweets, he described how Roman Britain was ethnically diverse “almost by design”.
He explains that Roman troops were drawn from other parts of the empire, and occupied Britain.
The slack-jawed goons of the 'alt-right' will be supplying plenty of material for this thread.
:this: Remarkable projection from a "slack-jawed-goon". But I understand that envy & jealousy is driving you. Perhaps, as your username claims, you're just being a pain in the arse? Back to the point:

There are many people in various professions who are useless at their job. Especially those who don't even practice their claimed profession. One such is Mike Stuchbery... his knowledge of Roman Britain is appalling. And to challenge an intellectual, such as Paul Joseph Watson, is the height of stupidity. A stupidity that comes naturally to someone who can not comprehend an IQ much higher than his own.

A few true black or Negroid people were found in Roman armies, but generally as low paid hired mercenaries or forced slave combatants set at the front line as expendable pawns. How do I know this? Apart from the art evidence that does not show Ethiops in Roman & earlier Greek armies...in other words, they were invisible because they were derided... it is the fact that Northern Africans were a vassal subject peoples to Rome.

Throughout human history, in every culture, vassals have ALWAYS been seen & treated as inferior peoples. That is nothing new. They were inferior because they were conquered, they proved themselves inferior by losing, and thus of less worth.

The further North one went from the heart of the empire, the fewer unusual military men one encountered. In North Africa they would have been more common, similar to how black Africans served in lowly positions in the white South African regime 40 years ago.

In Britain, there would have been very few black people indeed, in the Roman army or elsewhere. And the handful would certainly not have been in respectable positions. And in addition none would have been allowed to have romantic relationships with white Romans or native English. The only place where such relationships were tolerated was in brothels where the novelty factor was sought for puerile titillation. But such places also had bestiality & pedophilia; that did not make the dogs, horses, and children respectable pillars of society.

So, in summary, a little thought will show you that far from showing up PJW, Mike Stuchbery has made a fool of himself, because he is a PC cart pushing ignoramus, a wishful thinking, naval gazing nincompoop zealot. :coffee:
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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Fri Aug 04, 2017 1:24 pm

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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:00 pm

It'll be interesting to see whether any of these new crowdfunding sites succeed. Their progress or lack thereof will be a good gauge of the 'health' of the alt-right.

"The Alt-Right Goes Panhandling"
When all digital spaces are controlled by liberal snowflakes, how’s a guy supposed to earn a living promoting hate online? Three new crowdfunding sites think they have the answer.

While leading figures of the alt-right (and alt-lite) have access to wealthy benefactors like the Mercer family, the income streams of the movement’s B-listers are remarkably similar to anyone else trying to make a living online: donations made by fans through payment processors like PayPal or monthly checks from crowdfunding platforms like Patreon.

Recently, however, these services have started evicting the intolerant. Just last month, for instance, ex-Rebel Media blogger Lauren Southern’s Patreon account was shut down for what CEO Jack Conte called [YouTube video] “manifest observable behavior.” What was this observable behavior? At the time, Southern and others working under the anti-immigrant banner “#DefendEurope” had just filmed themselves disrupting a Doctors Without Borders search-and-rescue mission in the Mediterranean Sea—and though Southern claims she was not directly involved, Conte outlined why he feels she was an active participant.


The creation of Hatreon, Rootbocks, and Counter.Fund mirror the rush to build an alt-social network when YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other such services realized tacit endorsement of bigots was bad for business. Born from that upheaval were Gab.ai, Wrongthink, and a slew of other platforms which failed to secure meaningful audiences. How could any other outcome be expected? Trolls thrive on conflict. In a digital walled garden of hate, who is there to disagree with?

By providing inadequate fodder for pestering anyone left of far right, the alt-right’s social networks have largely failed. Even if Patreon’s headquarters literally catching fire last night might read as a good omen for competition, it’s easy to imagine these alternative crowdfunding sites floundering as vehicles for a movement which vehemently discourages individual profiteering. While the accusatory power of “cuck” may have expired in alt-right spheres, “shill” remains as damning as ever.

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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by Hermit » Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:25 am

Galaxian wrote:...Mike Stuchbery... his knowledge of Roman Britain is appalling. And to challenge an intellectual, such as Paul Joseph Watson...
I understand how one can criticise Mike Stuchbery. Although he has actually studied history at the University of Melbourne, he may not have studied ancient history. I guess you'd know what period he has studied. Right?

It's another thing to mistake a Youtuber and conspiracy theorist for an intellectual, but I understand how you would manage that too. After all, you are bound to admire experts on chemtrails, the New World Order and the Illuminati, and facts are not something you have ever shown an inclination to become familiar with anyway.

As for the Romans themselves, undoubtedly non-Caucasians would have been in the minority, but that does not mean all were relegated to the bottom of the social heap. Septimius Severus, for instance was of Punic origin from his father's side. He also was a Roman emperor for 18 years. As for Romans in Britain, archaeologist keep literally digging evidence of non-Caucasian Romans up all over the place. From the above link:
Dr Hella Eckardt, Senior Lecturer at the University of Reading, said: "Multi-cultural Britain is not just a phenomenon of more modern times. Analysis of the 'Ivory Bangle Lady', and others like her, contradicts common popular assumptions about the makeup of Roman-British populations as well as the view that African immigrants in Roman Britain were of low status, male and likely to have been slaves."

The research helps paint a picture of a Roman York - or Eboracum as it was known - that was hugely diverse and which included among its population, men, women and children of high status from Romanised North Africa and elsewhere in the Mediterranean.
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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by Galaxian » Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:35 am

Hermit wrote:
Galaxian wrote:...Mike Stuchbery... his knowledge of Roman Britain is appalling. And to challenge an intellectual, such as Paul Joseph Watson...
I understand how one can criticise Mike Stuchbery. Although he has actually studied history at the University of Melbourne, he may not have studied ancient history. I guess you'd know what period he has studied. Right?
It's another thing to mistake a Youtuber and conspiracy theorist for an intellectual, but I understand how you would manage that too. After all, you are bound to admire experts on chemtrails, the New World Order and the Illuminati, and facts are not something you have ever shown an inclination to become familiar with anyway.
As for the Romans themselves, undoubtedly non-Caucasians would have been in the minority, but that does not mean all were relegated to the bottom of the social heap. Septimius Severus, for instance was of Punic origin from his father's side. He also was a Roman emperor for 18 years. As for Romans in Britain, archaeologist keep literally digging evidence of non-Caucasian Romans up all over the place. From the above link:
Dr Hella Eckardt, Senior Lecturer at the University of Reading, said: "Multi-cultural Britain is not just a phenomenon of more modern times. Analysis of the 'Ivory Bangle Lady', and others like her, contradicts common popular assumptions about the makeup of Roman-British populations as well as the view that African immigrants in Roman Britain were of low status, male and likely to have been slaves."
The research helps paint a picture of a Roman York - or Eboracum as it was known - that was hugely diverse and which included among its population, men, women and children of high status from Romanised North Africa and elsewhere in the Mediterranean.
Hermit...Read my post, the whole post, and nothing but the post, so help you God.
You seem unlettered in the verities of university study and the expertise gained therefrom. There's nothing I can do for you, since you have that acolyte gleam in your eyes.
North Africans are not negroes, and not black. Infact they had a lighter skin color in Roman times. But you wouldn't know that, since you disavow deductive reasoning, and prefer hero worship. Here's your negroid Septimius Severus:
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... ped%29.jpg
Looks rather Caucasian, eh?
Go & teach Hella Eckardt a few home truths. She is a disinfo agent. The only multiculturalism that existed in Britain in the first centuries AD, was very limited and exclusively composed of mainly Celts & Gallic extractions, with some 'Italians', 'French', Bretons, Hispanics & Nordics thrown in.
At your age, you should have realized by now that the BBC is one of the world's foremost propaganda sources. It has a globalist & PC agenda that has little to do with truth.
You dare accuse Paul Joseph Watson of not being an intellectual? :funny: Here he rips up post-modernist feminism, Islam & the BBC in one hit:

When near the glory of such luminaries as PJW, you'd best show due contrition & respect, & try to learn from them :prof:
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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by Brian Peacock » Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:51 am

Damn you and damn your liberal facts! :lay:

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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by Galaxian » Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:06 am

Brian Peacock wrote:Damn you and damn your liberal facts! :lay:

:cheers: Thank you Brian... It's a tough, unappreciated job, but someone has to do it, otherwise we're all screwed!

Here's the attachment that L'Emmerdeur should have put in the OP,instead of that vile PC BBC crap:

If humanity is to have any chance of surviving it really needs to see & think clearly, & history has shown that it won't :zombie:
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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by Brian Peacock » Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:13 am

Cheers mate. I love how the 'Tuber points out that ancient Britain was a monoculture devoid of cultural and ethnic diversity. Very informative as to his central thesis, which of course is a moral argument in favour of cultural, racial and ethnic convergence.

Galaxian strikes again! :tea:
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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by Hermit » Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:05 am

Galaxian wrote:You seem unlettered in the verities of university study and the expertise gained therefrom.
Looks as though doing three years of philosophy and history at this University


did me no good. Philosophy staff had their studies on the first floor, behind and to the right of the recently deceased Jacaranda tree. History teachers had theirs in the wing (out of the picture) to the right.

Admittedly, I dipped out early in my fourth (double honours) year due to a personal derailment, but I do consider my time there as three years well spent. You obviously think I would have got more out of studying the ranters at the university of Youtuburcolosis. Speaking of which, Pat Condell does a better job of ragging Islamism and Islamophiliacs than your pony, but even he does not resemble an intellectual. In fact, intellectual prowess is not required to rip Islam a new one. Certainly no more than doing likewise to Christianity. Or conspiracy theorists, come to think of it.

As for Septimius Severus, I did not describe him as a negroid. You, however, wrote about "Northern Africans [who] were a vassal subject peoples to Rome", and Septimius Severus's heritage was of both. He certainly was not of Roman stock. Generally you would have discovered, had you studied ancient Roman history even just in passing, that is, that people from the conquered provinces were increasingly integrated over time into even the upper strata of Roman society and administration.

As for "naval gazing" I doubt that Mike Stuchbery spent a great deal of time looking at military equipment of the floating kind, and calling him a nincompoop is not exactly the most convincing riposte I have read against his, or anyone else's argument either. Similarly, it would have served you better to find something substantial, If you can, that refutes the evidence dug up in York and elsewhere than to label Hella Eckardt as a disinfo agent. I provided a link to the evidence in my previous post, and I am fairly sure I know why you ignored its substance.
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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by rainbow » Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:22 am

Families who have lived in the English-Scottish Borders for generations could be descended from African soldiers who patrolled Hadrian's Wall nearly 2,000 years ago.

Archaeologists say there is compelling evidence that a 500-strong unit of Moors manned a fort near Carlisle in the third century AD.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... icans.html
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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:43 am

Few people know (because THEY are so good at hiding the Truth™) that "Watson" is actually the result of a misguided effort to bring Paul McCartney back from the dead.
Watson was created in 1982 by an overzealous Paul is dead believer working inside the British intelligence service. The agent behind this was eventually sacked, and the clone was ordered to be terminated. Watson's adoptive parents The Campbells, however, launched a ten-year legal battle to save their son, and the government was eventually forced to drop its case. This experience left young Watson permanently distrusting of governments, as well as leaving him with a burning hatred of tacky drama.

Watson would graduate from Cambridge University in 2004 with a doctorate in Conspiracy Philosophy. Due to a bizarre loophole in the 'top-up fees' laws passed by Tony Blair's Labour government, Watson was forced to raise money for his tuition through stand-up comedy. When he finally got his degree, he had already been established as one of the greatest names in political comedy in Britain.
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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:06 am

Plenty of pieces about the alt right in this thread; how about letting them speak for themselves?

"The ‘Unite The Right’ Rally Is Going To Be A Turning Point For White Identity In America"
If you haven’t heard yet, let me inform you that the largest ethno-nationalist rally of the 21st century is being planned for August 12th in Charlottesville, Virgina.

Everyone who isn’t hiding out in Nigeria or Eastern Europe is going to be there.

Despite all the internal bickering and squabbling that has characterized the pro-White movement the last couple of decades, everyone has managed to put aside their differences to focus on this rally.

All of you who have asked if the Alt-Right will ever get serious and do something IRL now have an answer.

We are going to rally to defend White heritage in Charlottesville, Virgina. The last time we were there we kept it on a need to know basis and planned internally. We mustered about 250 pre-vetted people.


This time, we are putting out the call for all White advocates to come out.

The Daily Stormer has been promoting the event heavily and it looks like they are going to bring a lot of young new cadres to the rally. Identity Evropa will be there as well as several Southern Nationalist groups. There will be no Alt-Lite co-rally, it will be just us, the proverbial and literal White Guard out there defending the statue of General Lee. This is a good development. They are quickly becoming irrelevant and losing their street presence as we continue to grow and take up space.

No one knows how many of us will show up there just yet. A conservative estimate would put us at about 500, although if the Daily Stormer book clubs, frog twitter, and affiliated groups come through, we can top 1000.

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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by JimC » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:09 am

White pointy-hatted robes and burning crosses optional accessories?
Nurse, where the fuck's my cardigan?
And my gin!

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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:15 am

It appears that 'everyone' who's planning on attending this rally has not 'managed to put aside their differences.'

'Bickering Galore Precedes “Unite the Right” Rally'
A large Alt-Right gathering of assorted extremists — called “Unite the Right” — shows signs of being anything but a unity hug in the days leading to the August 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Social media posts offer proof of backbiting, bickering and name-calling between some of the Alt-Right, neo-Confederate, anti-immigrant, Patriot, militia, Nazi and racist groups separately trying to organize contingents to attend the “unity rally.”

In a pointed post, the leader of one Patriot-style group was accused of adultery in an apparent attempt to undercut his leadership authority on the eve of the “unity rally.”

Another Patriot-style group — apparently perturbed by the grumbling, jockeying and potential for violence — says it’s now abandoning its plan to move its scheduled co-rally from South Carolina to Charlottesville on Aug. 12.

The “Unite the Right” organizer, pro-white activist Jason Kessler, got a city permit weeks ago for the rally to protest the City of Charlottesville’s plan to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.


In these lead-up days, behind much of the drama and posturing is Brad Griffin, who runs the white nationalist website Occidental Dissent, appearing to love the limelight as he chants and promotes his new phrase, “Alt-South.”

“My way of doing things is to foster coordination instead of infighting, encouraging our people to become more active and aggressive while building social media platforms and real world networks,” Griffin wrote on his blog late last month.

“We need stable organizations that cater to various niche audiences,” Griffin said. “Instead of indulging in violent apocalyptic fantasies, we need to build networks, generate content and get more organized.”

But with various critical or mocking blog posts, it seems Griffin has done anything but “build networks.”

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Re: "Alt-right" Parading Ignorance, Stupidity, Malice, Etc.

Post by L'Emmerdeur » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:22 am

JimC wrote:White pointy-hatted robes and burning crosses optional accessories?
Not sure whether the KKK will be attending; many in the alt right prefer to present a slicker image.
[W]e should recognize that many organizers of “Unite the Right” want nothing to do publicly with the Klan. One of the keynote speakers at the rally will be Richard Spencer, a white nationalist who has previously called for “peaceful ethnic cleansing” in America. Despite a number of overlapping objectives, he has made on-record attempts to dissociate with the Klan. He and others affiliated with his movement also seek to distance themselves from the Confederate Flag, not because they disavow it as a symbol of white supremacy, but because its associations with poverty and “ignorance” negatively reflect on their brand. Spencer and his cohort want to update bigotry for the 21st Century. Their success relies upon delivering many of the same messages of intolerance in a more fashionable package. To put it another way, the online memes mocking a Klansmen’s misspelling of the word bible would damage their recruiting efforts.



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