Legal Weed?

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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Brian Peacock » Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:30 pm

I'd concede that last point. The issue is one of prohibition. Someone once said that if we didn't have drugs we'd spent our spare time blowing on our thumbs and spinning round in circles. Getting bollocked is part of our nature it seems, and regardless of the legality of this or that substance shed loads of people are getting bollocked every week by taking stuff that is prohibited in law.

The UK government recently enacted the 'Psychoactive Substances Act 2016' which outlaws every substance that might have a psycho-active effect.
Section 2: Pychoactive Substances Act 2016 wrote:(1) In this Act “psychoactive substance” means any substance which—
  • (a) is capable of producing a psychoactive effect in a person who consumes it, and
    (b) is not an exempted substance.
The Bill give the Secretary of State for Health the power to define any substance on or off the exempted list. Current exemptions are prescribed medical products and controlled drugs, alcohol, nicotine and tobacco products, caffeine, and certain foodstuffs, This is a particularly draconian structure because it automatically outlaws any and every substance "that might have a psycho-active" and isn't exempt. It has been roundly criticised for taking no account of the relative harms of different substances, for being almost impossible to police effectively, for criminalising people who present no harm to society, and for its potential to act as a profit boosting measure for criminal drug gangs.
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Hermit » Sat Nov 19, 2016 1:43 am

mistermack wrote:Cannabis is ridiculously easy to grow. So if it's legal, how are big business going to compete with that?
I think Cunt is alluding to massive taxation on commercially produced marijuana cigarettes by big government. I'm not sure if that is what he means because I will not sit through 80 minutes of debate featuring Peter Hitchens. I have listened to and read enough of his ill-conceived, badly argued diatribes already.
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by JimC » Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:56 am

Hermit wrote:
mistermack wrote:Cannabis is ridiculously easy to grow. So if it's legal, how are big business going to compete with that?
I think Cunt is alluding to massive taxation on commercially produced marijuana cigarettes by big government. I'm not sure if that is what he means because I will not sit through 80 minutes of debate featuring Peter Hitchens. I have listened to and read enough of his ill-conceived, badly argued diatribes already.
If cannabis actually became legal in most countries, I wonder whether "commercially produced marijuana cigarettes" would be a viable business proposition. Cannabis is much easier to grow than tobacco, and even the most avid user smokes far fewer joints than a typical tobacco user smokes cigarettes. I guess it all comes down to how many dope users will have the fairly minimal energy and planning required to grow and dry their own... :smoke:

Oh wait...

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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Hermit » Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:54 am

JimC wrote:I guess it all comes down to how many dope users will have the fairly minimal energy and planning required to grow and dry their own... :smoke:

Oh wait...

Exactly. Considering how many people buy tailor-made nicotine sticks when roll-your-own tobacco is readily available and much cheaper, British-American Tobacco' s diversification has a bright future when the time for it comes.

We'll return to the program after this short break.

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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Feck » Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:28 am

JimC wrote:A non-commercial option would be to decriminalise the growing of a few plants for private consumption.

You don't need much of a green thumb to grow a year's personal supply, and the spectre of "big business interests" does not apply...
Home brew rules you can grow it you can smoke it but you can't sell it OR should we keep the status quo and let the Chinese use abused illegal immigrants to grow low quality bad grass ?
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Brian Peacock » Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:43 am

Good point. Keeping control of the weed supply in the hands of criminals maintains a certain level of criminal activity, exploitation, abuse, and economics. Same goes for other drugs, and prostitution etc. If there's a non-criminal market for these kinds of criminal services is it really helping society to also criminalise the service users - the consumers?
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by laklak » Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:32 pm

I'll benefit from it, which is the only metric that I bother with. Is it good for moi? Yes? Fuck the rest of them then. I couldn't give a rat's about Big Weed or whatever, I'll be growing my own herb on my own land protected by my own pit bulls, my own guns, and my own alligator filled moat. Yee Haw, motherfucker.

I get most of mine from my neighbor, who is growing several strains at any given time. No money changes hands, we barter. Dried chicken strips for his dog, biltong for him, weed for me. Works a charm. His wife gets to use my semi-commercial sized dehydrator for all the spices she grows. Man, the difference between freshly dried oregano and the shit you get at the store is unbelievable.
Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Brian Peacock » Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:56 pm

You never fail to make Florida sound like paradise. :)
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by laklak » Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:11 pm

It grows on you, sort of like mildew.

IIRC mildew is the State Fungus.
Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by mistermack » Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:43 pm

A land full of pit-bulls, guns and alligators. And Trump voters.

I'm goin west, momma !!
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Cunt » Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:06 pm

With laws relaxing everywhere, why haven't the big players gotten involved? Meaning Imperial Tobacco et al

I suspect that, while many will grow their own, most will lay back and let Daddy make it for them.

I don't look forward to that. The stable pricing of weed we have enjoyed for decades will be subject to the whims of taxers, and the mood of commercial producers.

One of the busiest weed dealers I know (and one of the BEST) will be shutting down if it becomes legal. Pretty much immediately. Shame that, he is doing a great job.
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he doesn't communicate

The 'Walsh Question' 'What Is A Woman?' I'll put an answer here when someone posts one that is clear and comprehensible, by apostates to the Faith.

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It is actually quite easy. A woman has at least one X chromosome.
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by laklak » Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:37 pm

I'd settle for just being able to grow my own.
Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by JimC » Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:07 pm

laklak wrote:I'd settle for just being able to grow my own.
They are not delicate little plants that require vast horticultural skills to keep them alive.

In fact, they grow like... weed! :hehe:
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Brian Peacock » Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:21 pm

Yeah, but lak's too pretty for prison.
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Re: Legal Weed?

Post by Svartalf » Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:32 pm

Thanks of Acapulco Gold cigs
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