In June, Reuters
reported on a hitherto secret U.S. program connected with the COVID pandemic. In the spring of 2020, as the coronavirus rapidly spread throughout the world, our government reportedly sought to respond to Chinese disinformation which had attempted to deflect responsibility for the virus’ origin, claiming that it had originated in a biological research lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. What was the government’s plan? To fight fire with fire.
This was around the same time that Rodrigo Duterte, then the Trump-style president of the Philippines, was making noises about a closer relationship to China, even hinting that if the Beijing government prioritized sending vaccine to his country, he’d be willing to cede disputed territory in the South China Sea. An element within the U.S. military in the Pacific was reportedly eager to keep the Philippine government on side and fight the deluge of Chinese propaganda.
So the Pentagon apparently authorized a covert disinformation campaign against China, focusing on discrediting Chinese-developed COVID vaccines and protective medical equipment like masks. The channels for this propaganda included Twitter (now X), Facebook and other social media platforms. The campaign appears to have worked: The Philippines ended up with a very low vaccination rate in international comparison (in spite of Duterte’s efforts), and a relatively high death rate.
While it is generally acknowledged that the Chinese vaccine (known as CoronaVac or Sinovac) is less effective than those developed by Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax, it is hardly useless: It’s typically 60 to 70 percent effective, versus the roughly 90-percent effectiveness of Western vaccines. So it would almost certainly have saved lives in the Philippines, if not for the U.S. disinformation campaign.It’s all there in the Reuters reporting, and there is no need to expatiate on the obvious immorality of the operation, quite apart from its colossal stupidity. At the same time as U.S. public health officials were tearing out their hair trying to combat domestic COVID disinformation, and doctors and nurses were risking their lives caring for terminally ill vaccine refusers, their government was pumping the same ideological poison into the minds of innocent people abroad. The nonchalant statement of an unnamed Pentagon official says it all: “We weren’t looking at this from a public health perspective. We were looking at how we could drag China through the mud.”
The Reuters piece noted that Secretary Esper signed the directive to conduct the operation. The legality of his action rested on a provision in the 2019 defense authorization act permitting the military to conduct clandestine influence operations against other countries, including “outside of areas of active hostilities.”
It seems unlikely that even as powerful a bureaucratic actor as the secretary of defense would order such a sensitive operation in defiance of the State Department without the guidance of those above him, or at least without their sign-off. The rules of Washington would normally impel a person at Esper’s level to seek cover for his actions. Accordingly, it is probable that he either notified the president directly or through the National Security Council of his order.
That president, of course, would have been DonaldTrump, who had already directed the CIA in 2019 to conduct covert psychological operations inside China. It’s hardly a stretch to speculate that he would have had no problem approving a covert Pentagon operation in the Philippines.
Shortly after Joe Biden’s inauguration, representatives from Facebook arranged a meeting with officials of the new administration to complain about the covert program, which contradicted the company’s policy against spreading vaccine disinformation. The officials were reportedly horrified, but again, there are loose ends to the Reuters story.
Why hadn’t the new administration learned about the program through Pentagon channels already, during the presidential transition? Why did it take until the spring of 2021 to order DOD to shut it down? And in spite of the order, why did the program linger through the summer? Was the Biden administration lax in its follow-up, or was the Pentagon out of control?
Over the decades, the U.S. military has conducted numerous programs of breathtaking stupidity: the above-ground nuclear tests of the 1950s that exposed draftees to atomic radiation, dumping thousands of tons of Agent Orange defoliant over Indochina during the 1960s, the toxic burn pits of the Iraq war. Civilian leadership in this country needs to shed its adolescent awe of martial derring-do and gain firm control over a very dangerous weapon.