The Ruin Drug Smuggling Brings...

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The Ruin Drug Smuggling Brings...

Post by cronus » Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:10 pm

Clonbrien Hero: Irish champion greyhound tests positive for cocaine

The winner of one of Ireland's top greyhound races has tested positive for cocaine.

Clonbrien Hero was found to have traces of the prohibited substance benzoylecgonine - the main compound of cocaine - in its urine on three separate occasions.

One of the tests was after the dog won July's Irish Laurels final at Cork.

The Irish Greyhound Board has withheld prize money and banned the dog from racing until it has been passed clear.

In a statement referencing a previous case earlier this year, the IRB said they drug test between 5,000 and 6,000 greyhounds per year - the "most intensive testing regime of any sport in Ireland".

Clonbrien Hero's trainer Graham Holland said the traces of the drug must have been ingested accidentally.

(continued, greyhounds are well known to accidentally snort cocaine between races...didn't you know?)
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