Suez Crisis: The MI6 secretary with a ringside seat

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Suez Crisis: The MI6 secretary with a ringside seat

Post by cronus » Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:21 pm

Suez Crisis: The MI6 secretary with a ringside seat
Luke Jones, BBC

"I looked out of the window and there, each side of the runway, were the Egyptian tanks."
Jennifer Boyle is thought to be the last surviving person to have worked in the British embassy in Cairo during the Suez Crisis.
Aged 21, Jennifer left London the day the Suez canal was nationalised by Egypt's president, Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, arriving at the embassy on 7 August 1956.
Now 81, Jennifer remembers the "emergency telegrams flying backwards and forwards". Her short time at the embassy, was like "living the pages of history".
When she arrived as an MI6 secretary, the youngest by six years, "it was already at pretty good fever pitch".
Meeting the British ambassador, Humphrey Trevelyan, was "just like being presented to royalty", Jennifer wrote to her mother and father.
He was "rather small, with sticking out ears, but still he was very charming. He informed me that I had arrived in stirring times."

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